“Are you on your own?”

I turned to see a group of younger boys. They looked to be about fifteen or sixteen, some with hoods up as they stared at me. I felt uncomfortable under their gaze. They were the sort of group you would cross over the road to avoid walking on the same path as them.


I turned my head, hoping they would get the hint and move on. But my heart sunk as they continued to ask me questions.

“Are you sure?” One of the taller ones spoke up.

There were lots of people milling around still, my eyes scanned for Harry. I diverted my focus back to the boys, their smiles far from friendly as they waited for my answer.

“I’m waiting for my boyfriend.”

I watched as one nudged a boy who seemed to be the leader. Their penetrating gaze made my skin crawl.

“We can wait with you.”

“No, that’s alright thanks, he won’t be long.”

I shuffled away, taking my turtle with me as he climbed up to sit beside me. He was bigger than me despite my older age. The rest of the group were intently observing us, almost goading the boy on.

“I wouldn’t try anything.” I warned him.

Harry would kick the shit out of him. When I felt a hand on my thigh I swung my soft toy round, hitting him on the back of the head. I scrambled to my feet, spinning round on the higher platform. Relief coursed through me as I spotted Harry angrily making his way towards us.


He stood below me looking up, turning so I could climb onto his back. My arms wrapped round Harry’s neck as I clambered down, his hand catching hold of one of my thighs as I brought my legs tightly round his waist.  The boy got to his feet, his body towering over us as he positioned himself where I previously stood.

“Don’t touch her, you little prick.” Harry spat.

He caught hold of the boy’s ankle, yanking it out from under him. His friends could only watch on as he fell with a thump to his back onto the hard wood of the platform. We heard him cry out, rolling to his side, the wind knocked out of him.

Harry swiftly turned, my face pressed into the crook of his neck as he began to walk away.

“Frigid bitch!” One of the lads called out.

My arms tightened round his neck, lips desperately going to his ear as he faced the group.

“Please, please Harry don’t.” I pleaded.

A few of the shorter boys cowered back with Harry’s intense gaze, he was furious. It was when he felt my frightened tears splash the skin of his neck that he seemed to snap out of his rage. His muscles were still tense but relief flooded through me as we moved away. The hand holding my turtle soothingly rubbed over his chest, trying to calm him down. I felt his grip tighten on my thighs, showing he appreciated my attempt.

“Thank you.” I whispered. “Thank you for walking away…I don’t really fancy visiting my boyfriend behind bars.”

Harry weaved us through the crowd for a few minutes.

“You’d visit me in prison?” He asked, seeming a little calmer.

“No, Harry. I think my point is that I wouldn’t.”

I heard him huff.

“You might have had to if you hadn’t stopped me.”

I squeezed my eyes closed at the thought.

“We’re good now though, right?” I asked, testing his level of heated temper.

“We’re good.” Harry spoke whilst kissing my right arm.

My mind floated away with the thought of what he could have potentially done. A shiver tingled though my body. But it sparked another eerie thought. Had Harry ever been locked up before? It surprised me when he spoke, voice rumbling through his back to my chest, as he read my mind.

“No Bo, I’ve never been in prison.” He chuckled.

My head rested on his shoulder, watching people wait in lines for rides.

“But I have been arrested and taken into custody a couple of times.” Harry added.

My eyes widened at his revelation, arms tightening their hold round his neck. He seemed so nonchalant about the subject.

“Relax Bo, it wasn’t recently.”

I assumed he thought that fact would have comforted me, to know he hadn’t done anything whilst in our relationship. But it had the opposite effect. I felt uneasy. What on Earth had Harry done to get himself arrested? I didn’t want to ask, but I had a pretty good idea, his temper often getting the better of him.

“Why is it, whenever I leave you on your own you attract all of the douchebags?”

Even though his breathing was still heavy, I sensed the amusement in his tone, trying to distract me from our previous conversation.

“Guess it’s one of the many special qualities I possess.”

“It’s special alright.” He teased.

My lips placed a small kiss to his neck, smiling as he hummed under my touch.

“It seems I spend most of my time rescuing you from idiots” His fingertips pressed into my thighs as he laughed. “Not that I’m complaining.”

“Well, maybe you should give me a chance to save you for once.”

We walked a little further. People were gathering to watch the fireworks.

“Did you hit him with your turtle?” Harry curiously asked, humour in his question.

I knew he had recovered from his angry episode as he proceeded to take the piss out of me. I still clung to his back; Harry unable to see the slight blush on my cheeks. His dark curls tickled at my skin as I buried my face into his neck.

“It was the only thing I had to defend myself with.” I retaliated.

I leaned away from Harry slightly, pushing the toy between my chest and his back. My now free hand opened up the bag of candy floss I still gripped. My arms loosely hung over his shoulders to his front as I pried a small piece off.

“You’ve eaten over half the bag already?” Harry stated, clearly surprised.

I mumbled a “shoot” under my breath, leaning my head on his shoulder. I offered the pink floss up to his mouth, hoping to distract him from the nearing of my inevitable sugar rush. He took the sugary sweet past his lips, cheekily sucking on my fingers. I continued to feed him while we talked and I snuck more of the pink fluff for myself. 

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