Dimitri tensed and gritted his teeth.

Jake observed his features. His tone was incredibly calm for a man who had just been attacked in his own home.

"Look, there is nothing to get worked up about. Valarie did not tell me about the loan, I found out and took it upon myself to pay. Maybe if you were not such an asshole to her, she would be more open to you. I may not have known Valarie for as long as you have but I can assure you that I know more about her than you do. Sometimes, time isn't a factor in how close you become to someone, it's more about what you do with the time that you have known them for that matters. From as much as I have gathered thus far, the two of you have spent most of your time playing the cat and the dog. It's nice to see that you've finally tightened that loose screw you had hanging out of your head. I like that the dog has decided to mark its territory."

"Look just stay away from her okay?" Dimitri warned.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. I won't abandon her at your request. She is my friend and I will continue to be her friend and stay as long as she needs me. However, you are free to not think of me as a threat. I assure you that I am nothing more to Valarie than just a friend. I do warn though, if you ever hurt her like you did before, our next conversation won't be this friendly."

"Is that a threat?"

"Yes, I believe it is."

Dimitri chuckled. "I see you have more balls than meets to eyes."

"Well of course you would find me well equipped considering that you don't have any at all."

He picked the wrong bone and Dimitri's eyes darkened.

Jake chuckled. "Lighten up. It was a Joke. Look, I don't want any trouble. I'll leave Valarie to you as long as you don't hurt her, we are cool."

Dimitri sighed "Could you just lay off a bit. Just don't do anything like that again. I can take care of her myself. "

"You got it" Jake assured.

"I guess that will be all then. If the circumstance in which you paid was different, I would walk away today with your teeth in my pocket."

Jake chuckled "I would have been happy to put my dentist to good use. I heard he's the best in the city. "

Dimitri smirked. "I'll be on my way."

"Hey wait. How did you find out about the loan though?"

"That's not important. I went to confront Valarie about it after I found out to confirm whether it was true or not, then I came here."

" I hope that you haven't taken it out on her."

"Uhh, maybe I sort of did that. I'll fix it as soon as I get back. "

"Oh come on man. What did you say to her?"

"I'll fix it. I should probably get back since I practically just ran off."

"You better make it up to her."

"I will."

His mind slowly began defrosting and his muscles relaxed. Thinking about it all, he really didn't have reason to be mad at Valarie. She had no control over what Jake had done. If it was one thing he found out was that Jake genuinely cared about her. That was a fact that made him hate and respect him at the same time. They had a common ground to stand on.

"I guess I'll see you around" Jake said as Dimitri turned to walk off.

Dimitri turned back briefly and smirked. "'Unfortunately, I will."

My Boss's SonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora