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*5 weeks ago*

bzzzbzzz my cellphone almost fell off my dresser as I was straightening my hair. I put down the iron and read the text.

hey gorgeous wanna come over? _Josh I smiled as I read the text

sure bby I'll be right there _chloe

I quickly finished straightening my hair and turned off the iron. I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of booty shorts and a tank top.
I grabbed my keys and went downstairs.

"dad I'm leaving" I yelled even tho i knew he would not awake from his intoxicated state.

I grabbed my keys and my vans and hopped into my blue rusty pickup truck.

When I got to Josh's house I noticed that his moms car wasn't there. His mom was very picky about us being alone together so she must not have known I was coming.
I hopped out of the car and rang the doorbell. I tugged at my shorts while I waited what seemed like forever for him to come to the door.
Finally I was greeted by a shirtless josh.
"hey beautiful" he said leaning in to kiss me. "come on in"

"nice shirt." I said jokingly, trying not to stare at his six pack

"if it's making you uncomfor-"

"no it's fine." I interrupted.

I didn't want to sound lame

"wanna watch a movie?" he asked, showing me to the collection of movies in a drawer under the tv

The choices were all along the lines of captain America and the human centipede - not anything I particularly wanted to watch

"yeahhh I'll pass" I said, standing up to face him " besides, I think we both know what we'd rather do" I said smirking

He chuckled and leaned down to kiss me. "your adorable you know that?"

"yeah I get that a lot" I said, beginning the make out session.

Josh was hands down THE best kisser in the world. And he had a way of manipulating me, but I liked it

The kissing got heavier and I suddenly felt his hand slowly going up the back of my shirt.

One thing led to the next and we ended up in his bedroom. I lay on the bed, waiting for him to make the next move.

He started unbuckling his belt and stopped.

"are you sure you wanna do this Chloe?"

"of course I'm sure, now hurry up with that belt" I said smirking

He undid his belt and pulled it off. His pants pretty much fell to the floor revealing the bulge in his boxers.

"here let me help you with that" I said winking

He pulled off my shirt and unhooked my bra. I went back to his underwear and slid them off and he did the same for me.

I bent over waiting for him to put it inside me

" This may hurt Chloe, you know... Cause your a virgin and all"

"oh so you mean your not?" I said jokingly as I looked back at him

He smirked and went back to what he was about to do. He put it inside me. It was a feeling of pain and pleasure all rolled into one.

When it was all over we just layed next to eachother, both trying to regain our breath.

"that was amazing" I said, breaking the silence.

"YOU were amazing" he said smiling at me.

I turned on my side to face the clock

"oh shoot I gotta get home to make dinner"

"nooo stay." he said playfully as he grabbed my arm.

"I can't I said, giving him one more kiss" I grabbed my clothes and put them back on, he stared at me the whole time

"you really are gorgeous"

"thanks." I said blushing

I grabbed my keys and headed out the door. I sat in my car for a minute, just thinking

I just had sex with the hottest guy in school


I stared at the bathroom wall, trying to push aside the fact that I may just be pregnant

"Chloe what's wrong, talk to me" becca said, a look of concern washing over her face "I'm your best friend you can tell me anything"

"I did it." I finally said

"you did what?"

"I had sex."

" You had sex?! With Josh?!"

"Becca keep it down, I don't need the whole school to know that I'm a whore" I said, tears falling down my cheeks.

"Chloe your not a whore." she said grabbing me for a hug "we can take care of this, I mean he wore a condom right, so there's no chance your pregnant."

"I think he wore one, I didn't ask."

"Your not sure if he wore a condom or not..."

"what was I supposed to say becca?!? Oh hey josh before you fuck me can I see your dick to make sure your wearing a condom?!" I said before the tears came back

"Chloe just breathe, did you miss your period?"

"it's always been irregular" I sighed, giving up hope

"ok, well after school we can go to Walmart together and get you a test."

"I can't go back to class becca" I said, crying hysterically.

"come on " she said, taking my hand.

"we walked out of the bathroom and outside. Drew was standing talking to Josh and another guy

"oh gosh Becca I can't go over there" I whispered

"why?" she asked frantically

"Josh" I whispered again

"fine then" she said, dropping my hand

She walked over to the group of guys and pulled Drew aside. They were too far away for me to hear anything. They argued, she whispered something in his ear, he looked over at me, and he gave her his keys

Beccas brother and even her mom had always been like family to me, from the time I moved to Auburn when I was four. Becca and I became best friends instantly and Drew- who's  year older then us, soon took me under his wing.(even tho boys had cooties)


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