Chapter Thirteen

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I would have never slept with him, if I knew this. Every time I let my guard down with a man, I end up hurt. I shouldnt have let him get to me like I did. I got too wrapped up in a fantasy.

"So what other things have you kept from me? "

"Nothing I swear. "

"Well if you could cheat on her, how do I know you wouldn't do that to me. Great, I fell for another cheater!"

"I didn't cheat on her. I broke things off with her before we had sex. "

"But you started trying to get with me before you two broke up, it's just as bad. And now I'm a home wrecker basically. "

"No you aren't. Things we're already bad with us, she was cheating on me, and you didn't know about her. So don't even think like that, please. "

"I need time to think. I think it is time for me to go home. "

It is official, all men suck. I am tired of this. I thought he might have been different but obvious not.


The next day at work was rough. I had trouble sleeping the night before because I couldn't get what Toby told me off my mind. I was drained and just wanted to go back home and go to bed. I don't know how to handle this one either. I can't be around him right now but I also don't know how long I can keep him away before Brendon starts asking about him.

After work I had to stop by the store and pick a few things up for the house before I picked Brendon up from school. I was browsing the ailes when that girl from the garage spotted me. I now knee who she was and was not happy to see her, especially when she walked my way. And of course she recognized me! Great, she probably is going to chew me out. I deserve it though, I feel so bad.

"Hey, I remember you. "

"Oh, hi there. "

"Everything OK? You seem worried about something? "

I knew I was probably going to regret it but I know that I would want to know and felt like I owed her an apology, so I just came out and told her.

"I am so sorry, I didn't know that you and Toby we're dating until yesterday. I am the one he has been trying to get with. I do not approve and I would have never done that to you intentionally. "

She looked confused at first but then she started laughing.

"Oh hunny, calm down. You did me a favor. Me and him we're done before you entered the picture. We never talked and I was ready to break up with him myself. Look at me, I have plenty of men after me. I will be fine and you can tell him that too. Tell him that I am happier without him."

She smiled and walked away with strut in her step like she was trying to prove something when she finished telling me that. I just stood there in shock at first. I thought she was going to be upset but by what she just said, Toby was telling the truth. They weren't happy and I was not the reason for their break up. I felt better at first because I wasn't a home wrecker but then I felt bad. Bad for the way I reacted when Toby told me. I was letting my past relationships affect the way I responded. He isn't them and I realize now that he is the one man that I should trust.

I had to get the groceries home after picking Brendon up and he had been with my mom the day before so I wanted to focus on him right now. I will call Toby tonight, after he goes to bed. I have to apologize and make things right. There is no question in my mind anymore. I will trust him and I do want to be with him. I have wanted him for a while now but I have been in denial, but that isn't so now. I am finally going to admit everything to him tonight also. I have to be honest with him or how can I ask him to be. He should know what my true feelings are and I am finally realizing and no longer in denial with what those feelings truly are.

Another Broken Heart?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora