Chapter Four

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When we arrived, he was already working on his bike. Brendon ran over to him right away, once again asking a million questions. "Brendon stop with all the questions, give him a little breathing room." Robby laughed, "oh it is fine, he reminds me of myself when I was younger, he just found something that he really has an interest in and I enjoy teaching him about it. It the the whole reason that he is here. "

Afterwards, Toby rode with us to take him over to his friend 's. I still had a few things to do around the new place and this gave me the time to do it. Toby rode along with us after offering to help me at the house. I have to say, I was thankful for the help, since there were some things that needed to be done that I was not experienced in, like fixing our leaking sink.

"So tell me a little bit about yourself, Emily."

"Oh, Im not that interesting"

"I dont believe that, but if you dont want to tell me, you dont have to."

"I would like to get to know you more though. I know I said that I dont want anything in return but it would be nice to actually know the person I have been helping. "

What, he said is true but I just realized that I don't even know much about him either. How can he expect me to tell him about myself if he doesn't tell me about himself.

"We'll what about you Toby? "

"What about me? "

"Tell me about yourself. As much as you praise yourself, you must be more interesting than me. "

"Those are just jokes , besides; being handsome and irristitable doesn't make my life interesting," he said with a smug look on his face.

"I was waiting for a conceited comment, you went too long without saying one."

Toby then came closer and laid his fingers on my face, brushing the hair from it and said, " you know you are beautiful right? " I backed away stunned and lost for words. " I know that I told you that I don't want anything in return but I have to be honest . When I first saw you that day on the side of the road, I was instantly attracted to you and then you came to my garage with your son and that was a bonus. I really do love spending time with him, he is a great boy. I just can't deny that I also want to spend time with you. "

He was going too far now. Yes I am attracted to him and yes I felt myself wanting to spend time with him but up until now, I was able to control my feelings by focusing on him making Brendon happy. Now he has told me that he is attracted to me. This changes things . I can't have this, I just can't.

"I think that you should go now. "

"I'm sorry, please don't be upset with me. I just felt like I wasn't being honest with you and had to tell you how I felt. "

"I told you that I am not ready for a relationship and I just really think that you should leave now. "

"Well I did ride over with you, so I will need a ride. "

I almost forgot that I drove him here. I took him home and it was a long, quiet, ride. There was nothing either of us could really say after what just happened. I mean the nerve if him. I felt so furious with him. He was right, he did lie to me and I fell for it. Once again, a man broke my trust. He was only proving that my opinion of men was right. They are all untrustworthy.

Another Broken Heart?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora