Your Poor, Broke Self

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When we see anything with the love of our lives faces on it, what do we do? If it's for sale, we buy it. If it's not for sale, we find its owner... and buy it. And if it's still not for sale, fill up that camera roll, Ronda.

We will spend an insane amount of hard earned cash for any piece of cheap, China plastic, if it remotely resembles our boy. And by remotely, I mean not at all. Have you seen the 1D dolls? Point made.

But, I choose to look at it from a different angle than being wasteful and free with my money. (Which, in reality, is so true. But, we've already reasoned that truth doesn't triumph over a delusional mind, eh?) I look at it like this: I am supporting my husband's work.

You're welcome.

So, I feel a little less stupid when I spend $48.00 + shipping and handling on a plastic cupcake ring that is supposedly the one Harty Styles touched when a fan brushed by him in Tokyo. You get my point? It's all in the angle you look at it from.

That might require you to hang from your kitchen chandelier, upside down, but nevertheless, your helping him afford you in the long run.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2016 ⏰

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