Chapter 28: Misplaced (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

(I found this absolutely hilarious; the longer I stare, the funnier it gets! Just HAD to take a screenshot XD Aqualad and KF's face crack me up)

The speedster raised a brow as he continued talking in his flat tone, "Look, just because he believes he's Cap-"

Billy's smile didn't falter when he interrupted, "Gee, Wally, do I really have to bring you nachos and pineapple juice to get on your good side?" He looked as smug as he felt.

They all exchanged looks. Robin snickered as he elbowed KF.

The other looked at Rob with a face that screamed, "you-were-supposed-to-be-on-my-side"


Both teams, from both dimensions, came up with a plan for a simultaneous attack, using Captain Marvel as a messenger.


Klarion looked around as his familiar meowed.

He turned and put up a shield, causing birdarangs and arrows to fall.

"That's the best you can do?" He asked mockingly.

Both Artemis and Robin stood there in surprise as Klarion's hands began to glow.

He shot at them before noticing Aqualad and Superboy rush at him from both of his sides; Kid Flash ran at him from behind.

All three hit his shield, and they all flew back from the force. (Poor KF, it must've hurt more; what with his speed and all :T)

Zatanna stepped forward as she chanted a spell.

The shield rippled for a second or two, but nothing happened besides that.

The Witch Boy mumbled, "Huh, baby magic."

He decided to show her just what her magic was like compared to his, as he recited his spell.

With a hand wave, Zatanna went flying backwards.

If it wasn't for Superboy catching her, she probably would've broken quite the amount of bones.

Miss Martian began hurling giant rocks at his shield but had to move when he launched an attack back at her.

"Listen," KF muttered to the archer, "When Doctor Fate possessed my body, he defeated Klarion by attacking the cat."

They both turned to the familiar that was just outside the magical forcefield. It hissed when it noticed the two staring.

Artemis launched her arrow at it but Klarion saw it, using his magic to transform it into a yarn ball.

The Witch Boy let out a small cackle before talking to his familiar, "Show them what the familiar to a Lord of Chaos can do, Teekl."

He used a bit of his magic to make his familiar grow into, what looked like, a sabertooth except bigger. (Kinda like if the beast from Beauty in the Beast decided to embrace his animal side)

Superboy ran up to it but was easily swiped away.

He, then, almost got stomped on by Teekl.


*In the other dimension*

The Leaguers appeared out of nowhere and proceeded to attack without warning.

They didn't do very well but Zatara's chant caused the villains to be electrocuted before Zatara noticed his magic (the one he used to electrocute them)get absorbed into the gem in the middle of their magic circle.

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