Chapter 8

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I just want you all to know that I love your comments and I appriceate them. And as you know I'm rewriting this book so uhm. . . don't go deeper on the comment section, I mean uhm don't, just don't 'kay??? *whispers* you'll thank me later.


I didn't even bother to take anything. No clothes, no food, nothing. I exited at the backyard, I don't want anyone seeing me. Since I don't want to ruin my clothes, I decided I'll run without shifting. And my wolf might take over and go berserk. Just as I'm about to run, somene grab my risk. I turned around to find a panting Ann.


"Thank goodness," she breath out, "I caught up to you." She let go of my arm, "hey, mind to take me with you?"

I frown, "I don't even know where I'm going and you want to come?" I raised my eyebrow at her.

She smiles, "The more the merrier!"

"Ann, snap out of it! You'll be safer with Jessie. Just stay here and wait for tomorrow." I turned around but she stopped me again. I let out an impatient sight. "Ann-"

"I don't care, OK? Just take me with you!" She plea with her eyes.

"We can die anytime, Ann. Once we live the territory, we will be rogues." I reasoned, trying to scare her. Not that I don't want to take her, but she'll be safer here.

"I want adventure, Raven. Adventure, not house cleaning! I also have my own desire." She gripped my arm, "Please?"

I sigh and smile, if that's how she feels then it's fine, "Let's go then, Ann, to our own adventure."

She smiled brightly, pulling me as he run into the woods.


We are free.

And we can die in any moment. But the feeling of freedom will be worth it.

Out of the pack house, out of pity stares, and out of my father's hold.

A pang of guilt filled me as I left my brother without a word. But I got ways to contact him. I memorized his phone number. I'll give him a call later. That is, if we survived the chase. It wouldn't be long before they started getting suspicious, find us missing, and send patrols after us. And they're hella fast.

"We gotta hurry, Ann!" I peaked behind me. She's slowing down.

She let out a laugh, "Guess I'm no longer fit! Don't worry, we'll make it!" She reassured.


I looked at my friend, ready to shift and tear him apart. Raven's room would be in a huge mess right now if it wasn't for a certain Beta.

"What is it Matt?" I asked him as he look at me with worry.

"Laurence, sir, um," he scratch the back of his neck, "two people were sighted running away. They are about to reach the border line. Fast runners had been dispatch to stop them."

The news terrified me and I'm scared to learn more. "And?" I pushed.

"And one of them seems to be Raven." Matt bowed his head.

"Where are they headed?"

"South- east, sir."

I pushed past him. Leaving my sister's room. Leaving the house. I shifted to my wolf and head south-east just as Matt instructed. I run as fast I could. I know I'm near when I smelt her scent and. . . Is that Ann with her?

I started to see the border line, but no Raven.

They can't possibly cross the line by now!

I'm more than determined to cross the border line and look for my sister. I was about to set foot on another territory when someone pinned me down.

"What are you doing? Get off me!" I barked.

"We can't do that, sir," one of the runners spoke, "we can't let you cross, it's too dangerous."

"Dangerous? My sister is out there! I don't fucking care!" I thrashed around and it took five of them to pin me still.

"Just stay calm, the Alpha will be arriving soon.

Great, the cold bastard won't even care.

"Report," was the first thing my father growled out when he reached us.

"Alpha, they have already crossed the line." One of the men reported.

My father let out a loud growl, "How couldn't you catch them? You're my fastest runners!"

"Alpha, they have a gun. . . and darts."

My father grow furious, "Gun? Darts? Explain!"

"Ann Cheska was firing the gun. She managed to shot two of us on the legs," one of them explained.

Of course, Ann family was rich. They took her to a lot of things, golfing, fishing, took her to another countries, you name it. Having a gun and being able to use it shouldn't surprise them.

The guy continues, "And Raven Williams were throwing darts, Alpha. We were avoiding getting hit and got distracted."

"Darts? You were avoiding darts?" My father snarl.

And I just grinned. When Raven shifted, I found a packet of darts under her shattered clothes. I came to conclusion that she hide them under her pullover. Raven's favorite hobby. And she's good at what she do.

Worry and relief wash over me to know that none of my father's men had caught them. But they had just step foot on another territory, and I hope Raven would use her smart head to keep themselves alive.


"You have a gun!"

"That was awesome, Raven!" We exclaimed simultaneously. We giggled as we run. We had just crossed the border line and managed to escape my father's men. Good thing the darts were attached to me. I always carry them. It became a hobby. I was always scared that rogues would attack me, so I made darts my weapon. I haven't had time to play darts, but good thing my skill didn't become dull.

"Let's be more careful. We are now in another land. Leave the territory unnoticed and we can rest."

Ann nod, putting back the gun in her front pocket. "I don't think it's a good idea to use a gun now,"

I nodded in agreement, "You know how to use darts?" I asked her.

She shake her head, "never touched one."

"You aim good using a gun. I believe you can use them," I stated, halting for a moment to give her half of the darts I have left.

She smiled and took them, "I'll try my best."

We started running in silence, listening to every sound that may be a sign of danger.

"Hey, Raven," Ann started, breaking the silence.


"I've been to many adventures. But this one, I would say. . . I'm having fun! But I can't believe I shot someone."

"You shot, but you're too kind. You didn't kill them, Ann. But you shouldn't be too kind. Kindness is weakness. And in our adventure, we need to be strong," I encourage her.

But in reality, I'm encouraging myself too. Right now I feel so lost. But running made me forget everything: the pain, my mate, my father, my life. . .

As if reading my mind, Ann let out a small laugh and said, "You should be saying that to yourself. Be strong, Raven."

I let my tears out, drying fast as they fall. And I swore: we are not dying any time soon.


OK I can't stop updating xD Yadayadayada ~~

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