[23] Lost... Found...

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(Y/N) woke up the next morning, still tangled up with (YT/O/C) and her blanket. He was snoring slightly, having one arm around her and the other arm over his face. He's so cute... She kissed his forehead, and got up careful not to wake him up. She sighed, looking at her lovely roommate. It's weird that they like me... Nobody ever would... She silently put her books in her (F/C) backpack and walked out. Another day in this miserable life... Yeah. She's been drowning in depression since Sail's death. It was weird for even herself that she kept on going. I miss you girl... She walked out of the apartment building, making her way towards the small forest. She's been going there every day, before school, just to leave a flower or to talk to her. The trees seemed more dull than that day, like the nature died, along with (Y/N)'s happiness. She passed by the dead man's hangman. The cops left the rope there, but took both of his and Sail's bodies. And there it stood. The dead tree, with Sail's blood still on it. She replaced the white roses, with some fresh ones and just sat there. She looked at the tree, and felt like Sail was there, looking at her. "Hey Sail...", she whispered, as if she spoke louder, everything would shatter. She didn't wait for a response, that would never come anyway. "I miss you... Why didn't you talk to me... I was here for you and... hah...", she held back a small ironic laugh. "Did you know that actually your bully, had a crush on you...? Bet you didn't...". She sighed, now tears rolling down her cheeks. "I-I fucking miss you... W-why did you do this to yourself...", she sobbed, burying her face into her hoodie. "Y-you knew that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem... I-It's not right...". An ironic smile crept on her face. You're saying these, but you don't believe them... "J-just know that... P-people are suffering from what you did...", and with that she stood up and left. She could easily imagine herself hanging, or laying in a pool of her own blood. It's sad really... People have found so many ways to commit suicide... Hanging, shooting, jumping, drowning, overdosing, bleeding... But there are barely any ways to prevent people from doing it...

The further she walked from the suicide tree (that's how she called it), the scene changed back to the colourful and joyful scene of the school campus. The pond was glistening under the morning sun, the mist slowly disappearing and a few snails having their morning walk, along with a few bees and birds. She sat under the big tree, by the pond. She sighed, looking at the bright coloured sky. A tiny bark echoed through her ears, making her jump. She looked around her. A small, dirty puppy with golden fur, a Labrador Retriever, made its appearance behind some bushes. Its black eyes looked into her (E/C) ones. She sat on the ground, reaching out to it. Its tail tucked between its legs, and it barked lowly. "Don't be scared... I won't hurt you...", she whispered and as if it understood, it ran to her, burying its face in her (F/C) hoodie. She chuckled lightly, picking it up. If you want a friend, get a dog... "What should I name you...". It barked, looking around, until its gaze stopped at the small forest. (Y/N) looked at it, and felt herself tearing up. It barked, licking some of her tears. "I-I know how to name you...". It tilted its head, making a confused face. "Sail...". It barked happily, wiggling its tail. She chuckled, putting it on the ground. "Let's go show you your new home...".

She made her way to her room, the little puppy on her tail. Tiffany and (YT/O/C) had already woken up. (YT/O/C) had left to his room, while Tiffany was doing a final check on her homework. Sail's barks made her jump up, and look at (Y/N). "Oh my gosh, A PUPPY!!", she squealed picking Sail up. "Where'd you find her??", the purple haired girl asked, looking at her half-smiling roommate. "On my walk today... I named her Sail...". Tiffany let out a sad/happy chuckle. "No wonder why...". (Y/N) sighed, sitting on her bed. Sail jumped on her bed, hiding under her (F/C) blanket. Both of the girls chuckled, as it peeked out from under it. Well... You can call her a gift from god... They both kept cuddling with her, till it was class time.

The lessons were boring, like before coming to this school and meeting the gang. Everything seemed dull, boring, like the interest and joy in all of them was gone. (Y/N) made sketches on her notebook, instead of keeping notes. But all the pictures were... dark... Not just because they were made by pen or pencil, but because of what they were showing... Hanging... A hangman... Shooting... A gun... Jumping... A building... Drowning... Water... Overdosing... Pills... Bleeding... A razor... These were all she could think of... And no matter how hard she tried to convince herself that suicide wasn't an option, she couldn't... She looked at her classmates. Mark, Sean, Daniel, Tiffany... Although all the losses, all the hard moments in their lives... They were so happy... Why can't I be like them... She looked back at the sketches she made. She sighed, shutting her notebook, and resting her head on her arms. And that's when the principal walked in. "Mrs (L/N), at lunchtime come to my office please", he said, looking at some papers and he left. Mark looked at her. "What did you do...?". She shrugged. (Y/N) just hoped she didn't do anything wrong... Because she just... Wouldn't be able to handle it...

Life Is A Game: YouTube High | Book 1 [A YouTubers X Reader FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now