The Very Beginning

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 I woke up, in a strange land. I saw nothing but trees and grass. There was no one or anything that was alive. I don't how or when I got here. "Hello." I yelled out. I waited to see if I got a response, but nothing. I at least know my name, somehow. It's...Herobrine. It's a weird name I know, but it's my name. I got up finally to see if there was something anything I couldn't see before. Fortunately, there was a pig. I walked up to it, but it walked away. I crouched down and and laid my hand out. The pig walked closer, but kept its distance. I looked around and saw an apple. As I picked it up, the pig got closer. I smiled and gave it to him. He oinked and laid beside me. I patted His head and began thinking of a name. Before I could really think of any name, I felt tired.   I went to a tree and laid my head down on it. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. Not long, or at least I think it wasn't long, I heard a disturbing noise. I open my eyes, only to see a a green monster walking toward me. It had no arms, but it had four legs, and it was getting closer. I began to run and the pig ran with me. A little bit after that, we lost it. "You alright?" I asked the pig. I got an oink as a response. "I'll take that as yes." I looked around for shelter. I saw lights not far from where we were. We began walking down that direction. When reached the lights, there was a wooden house. I was confused, why was there a house in the middle off nowhere. At least I know I'm not the only Minecraftian here. I knocked on the door. I waited for a while, but no one came. The door was locked, so there was no going through the door. There was a window, so I checked inside. I saw a chest,bed, crafting table,Furnace, basically everything you would ever need. I hate breaking into things, but this is something I need to do to survive. As I got in, a sword was in front of my neck. "Who are you and what do you want?" The person asked. He had brown pants and brown a shirt. He even had a cape. Bald and had a black beard. "My name is Herobrine and I broke in to survive okay, I didn't anyone was in here." I replied. "Now, who are you?" He opened the door. "Notch, also the guy kicking you out." He replied. "Wait what?" I said quickly. He literally kicked me out. "You're fixing my windows." He said. How will I survive out here?" I asked.  "That's for me to know and you to find out." He replied. "I hope you survive long enough to fix my windows." After he said that, monsters began appearing out of the forest. The pig backed up as well. "What do we do?" I asked the pig. He oinked and that was it. "I should really stop asking you questions." I said.

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