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i grabbed the nearest drink and drank it in one sip, slamming it down on the bar counter, i began to feel tipsy. i felt the urge to dance so i did.

around me people partied, drank, made out. this was a typical high school experience. it happens every week or so... and it is lit every time.

i danced with my friend nora, who shook her teeny ass to the beat. so did i, but my ass ain't teeny if you know what i'm sayin'...

in the corner i saw the new kid, the extremely attractive new badboy who came last week to school. the one who everyone wants to fuck, well, at least all the girls do...

his name is unknown, at least to me. i personally did not see what made him so special. so what if he's hot? i have a hotter boyfriend than this quiet "badboy".

he smoked a cigarette, talking to some slutty girl, cleavage hanging out and shit. she looked extremely turned on while he did not.

i kept on dancing until the lights turned back on, i frowned, why the hell is someone stopping the party?!

"truth or dare!" someone yelled and i cheered along with the other people in the house, truth or dare is my shit. i'm a fucking daredevil.


i stood there and exhaled smoke while some bitch clinged on to me, she was talking and i was hearing, but not listening because my eyes were focused on a girl.

she was just wow. her curves were in the right places and she wore a tight red dress and some red heels, and wow.

she danced around with some petite girl who shook her ass beside her, i smirked as the hot one began to shake her ass too, damn.

she spun around and caught eyes with mine, i quickly looked away while she examined me, i flicked my cigarette on the floor and stomped on it, i looked back at the hot one as she looked away.

the lights turned on and the music stopped, all of the people began to boo, along with the hot girl until someone shouted 'truth or dare' and everyone began to cheer.


we all sat in a giant circle, while a coca cola bottle spun around, it landed on daniel, a boy from another school and elle, a nerd by day, party animal by night.

"truth or dare" daniel asked, she smirked, "truth" she replied. last week some kid asked her to give him a lap dance and that kid was daniel. i don't think she's taking that risk again.

"aight" he said with a grin, he looked around, "what do you think about sam?" he asked, sam was the most hottest boy at school with his cute blonde hair and good boy attitude, or at least good boy at school, right now he's drunk off his ass.

sam smiled at her, a smile that made her drunk self melt, "well, he's pretty cutttee" she thought out loud, he grinned and flexed his arms, "what can i say?" he agreed.

daniel handed the bottle to elle who spun it, and surprise surprise! it landed on me. everyone grinned, knowing that ariana grande butera is a daredevil.

"truth or dare" elle smirked, i grinned, "you know it girl" i cheered, "dare it is!" elle said, she drank a sip of her drink and continued, "i dare you to make out with the new kid justin" she said, pointing to the badboy on the other side of the circle.

everyone around me chanted and i frowned, "do i have to?" i asked, "do i hear ariana being chicken?!" daniel asked, everyone gasped. "fine fine" i said, squinting.

i walked up to the new kid, or whatever his name is... justin... and sat on his lap, my crotch on his and smacked my lips on his, i inserted my tongue in his mouth as we passionately made out.

i heard wolf whistles and chants as his hands slid to my ass and my arms wrapped sround his shoulders. his plump lips were simply addicting and his warmth made me never want to finish this kiss.

then he released, i tried not to show my disappointment, he lowered his lips to my ear and whispered...

"...i know you liked that, babygirl..."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2016 ⏰

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