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I had a fun night tonight. Kian & I had a picnic on the beach and then we walked for awhile and then we got into the water, but then Jenn called him and told him that It was his turn to care of his baby. I guess the other class gave us a time schedule for when we have to switch shifts and I'm guessing that I'll be getting a call at like 3 am because they're just that evil. It was extremely fun and romantic, but It would have been even more romantic if he said those three little words. '' I love you'' because I love him and I want to know that he loves me too, but then again, he's been hurt before and the last time that he told another guy that he loved him, he just hurt him so I can understand why he's afraid but there's something that he has to understand too, I'm not Ethan.

'' Jc, are you sure that this project is a good idea because I still don't think you and your friends are prepared for such a thing right now, especially when none of you see any kids in your future.'' My mother came and laid next to me.

I mean she is right, I do want kids but I know that won't be possible since I can't get pregnant and I'm sure that the adoption agency wouldn't let a man adopt a baby. Although, I'm not really prepared to face another break down or another ''death'' for whatever reason, I feel like Me & my friends will get through this one together, we were against each other, but now that we're cool and we're not hiding anything from each other anymore then I know for a fact that we're gonna take down Cameron & Nash 's class.

'' Jc, I love that you're happy, but maybe accepting a promise ring from him this early isn't such a good idea.'' my mother held my hand and stared at the ring. How did we get from the project to my relationship so quickly? I don't think what Kian gives me is any of her concern. She was the main one telling that I should be friends with him and give him a chance and that's exactly what I did but now she isn't too happy with him because we had sex and she kind of found out because she overheard Jaylyn & I talking about It, I guess she was eavesdropping because my damn door was shut and locked.

'' Jc, I just want you to be careful with someone like him, I know how guys like him are and you just need to protect yourself and keep your legs close.'' Did she really just say keep my legs closed? She acts like I sleep around, but I only had sex with him once so why is she reaching so fucking hard? If I want to sleep around then I will but I won't but It's still my damn sex life.

''Mom, I'm tired ok?'' I got up and opened my room door, motioning for her to leave.


''Can You Please Just Shut The Hell Up? I fed you, I did everything that was on the damn list.. okay wait, no, I only bought you one outfit and one pair of shoes, but that's not the point, you should be thankful and take your little ass to sleep.'' I flopped down on the couch with the baby doll in my hand, rocking it back and forth and It continued to fucking cry. It's like 11:30 pm now. I thought about taking the batteries out a couple of times, but If I do that then that automatically means I get an F and since this is a group project, then everyone else will get points taken off of their grade and I don't want to do that to them.

The Baby Project. | | Jian. ( Book 2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant