Chapter 4

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I wake up to my alarm going off. I get up and walk down stairs to get some breakfast. I have an hour before They're here. Emma is driving us all, I would rather ride with them than my parents. I grab a banana and head back upstairs to get ready. I put on my bathing suit and throw on jean shorts and I pretty tank top overtop. I braid my hair into double braids. I don't bother putting makeup on to go swimming. I look at the time, they will be here in two minutes. I put on my matching flip flops, grab my sunglasses, put my phone in my back pocket, any head down stairs. I see the car pull up, I yell to my parents that I'm leasing. I walk out and hop in the back. We blast music the whole way there. When we get there I look around and man it's beautiful! There are not a lot of people here. There are  even volleyball nets set up! Which I enjoy because I play volleyball. We go lay out our things on the beach. "Do you guys Wunna tan?" Reagan asked. Of course we all agreed. We are all pale as can be. After about an hour the sun starts to get blazing hot, so we decide to go for a swim. The ocean water is like bath water, I love it. They brought boogie boards so we decided to all try to boogie board. Zoey was by far the best. After a while the salt water started to sting our eyes so we got out. I suggested we play volleyball. They all agree. It was Reagan and I V.S Zoey and Emma. We killed them. We played about 3 more games, Reagan and I winning all of them. They all decided they had had enough at the beach and we're ready to head home. I decided I was going to stay and go home with my family. We said our good byes and exchanges numbers. I call my mom to try and find where they are. I finally find them. I decide to tan because I didn't get much tanner earlier. Sarah comes over to me begging me to go into the ocean with her. I get up and we walk out there. I teach her how to body surf. After a while I get exhausted and we walk out of the ocean. My mom packed us lunch so we go eat. After we eat my mom tells us her and my dad our going into the water and tells me to keep an eye on Sarah. Sarah starts to build this giant sand castle. All of a sudden a little girl comes up and asks to join her. Of course Sarah said yes since she has yet to make a friend. Sarah introduces herself as well as the other little girl, she said her name was Skylynn. I watch the two kids build this pretty impressive town around the castle. After around a half hour the little girls mom comes over and introduces her self. She tells me her name is Elizabeth. She just wanted to make sure Skylynn was okay. She starts talking to me about how she was here with her family and she asked me how old I was. I told her I was 16. "My youngest son is 16, he is here today too! I'll go over and try to convince him to come over and talk to you." She told me. I said okay and she walked away. Yay, her probably obnoxious son is going to come over here, see I'm ugly and walk away. All of a sudden I look up from the girls to see this amazingly perfect boy walking toward me. I try to make myself look slightly more presentable. Skylynn all of a sudden jumps up and runs toward the boy hugging him. Oh that must be her brother. Skylynn runs back to play in the sand with Sarah and the boy comes up to me. "Oh um hi, I'm Hayes. My mom is Elizabeth." I could speak after a minute i realized I never said anything. "Hi Hayes I'm Aubry" I told him. "Do you Wunna sit?" I asked him. He nodded and sat down.


My mom comes over and forces me to go talk to some girl she met. I really don't want to. She told me to at least go say I so I walk over to her. Sky runs up to me then runs back over to play in the sand. I see the girl my mom was talking about. Wow, she was stunning. I all of a sudden got very nervous. I normally don't get nervous around girls but Holy crap was I nervous. We start talking and she asks me if I want to sit down. I was glad she asked because I really wanted to talk to her. She just looked so perfect.

Aubrys POV

Hayes and I talked for a while and got to know each other. We had a lot in common it was actually very surprising. I couldn't help but stare at his eyes. They were incredibly blue. We learned that his House is just a few doors down from where I'm staying. I was beyond happy, I made another friend. Hayes asks me if I want to exchange numbers and of course I said yes. He put his number in my phone under HAYES 😛❤️ I put my name in his phone under Aubry😋
Elizabeth came over to get Hayes and Skylynn and Hayes told me he would text me later. Wow. This never happened back home. I think Hayes just thinks of me as a friend though, they all do. Boys just don't find me attractive. My family also drives home from the ocean. I fall asleep thinking about all the happened earlier.

My mom wakes me up when we get back to the house. My dad grills us some chicken for dinner and I devoured it. I guess I was hungry. It was pretty late so I walk upstairs to get ready for bed but before I fall asleep I get a text

from: HAYES 😛❤️
So glade I met you today, I had so much fun. Wunna hang out tomorrow?

I couldn't believe what I just read. Hayes wanted to hang out tomorrow, with me. Little old me. Probably just as friends tho. Of course I was going to hang out with him. I texted him back

to: HAYES 😛❤️
I had a great time too! I would love to hang out. What are we gunna do?

I immediately get a text back.

from: HAYES 😛❤️
I want to show you around town. How about I pick you up around 11?

I text him back saying that sounds amazing and set my alarm so I can get ready for tomorrow. It's going to be interesting. Maybe I'll find out if he likes me more than friends. Nah. All these thoughts are rushing through my head as I go to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2016 ⏰

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