Chapter 2

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"AUBRY", "AUBRY"! I heard my mom yelling at me trying to wake me up, but I just kept ignoring her. Finally she ripped my covers off. That was a mistake. I got up and started yelling at her. I didn't feel like changing before we left because it was to early and I was just going to sleep the whole time anyway. Sarah was already up, dressed, and had eaten. We both crawled in the back of the car getting ready to start this vacation.

I knew we were going somewhere in North Carolina I just wasn't exactly sure where. My parents shut the house up for the summer and we were off! I took a last look at my house wondering what would happen in these days ahead. I drift off to sleep thoughts about the vacation swarming in my head.


When I finally awake we are in North Carolina, but not yet at our destination. I just decide to plug in my beats to my phone and listen to some music until we get there. A sad song comes on and I dramatically look out the window, pretending I'm in some music video. I start singing along to get the full affect when my Dad interrupts me telling me to stop the terrible singing. While looking out the window I see a sign for Norman Lake and my parents turn toward the lake. After a few minutes my parents yell "WERE HEREEE!" Well here goes nothing.

I get out of the car and look at where we will be staying for the next few months. It is absolutely amazing. It's a little over average size house sitting right on the edge of this large, beautiful lake. I wait for my Dad to unlock the house and walk in. I'm in amazement. This is way better than my house at home. I run upstairs to claim my bedroom.

I walk in to the bedroom farthest down the long hallway and walk into this fairly large room with light gray walls, a medium bathroom and a pretty big walk in closet. Then I turn and see the bed, it's a huge bed with fluffy blankets. I go back downstairs, not running because running up the stairs was already to much exercise for me. Down stairs was so pretty. There was an amazing view of the water. I go back outside to the car to grab my things so I can unpack. When I finally finish unpacking my room looks fantastic. I have a bunch of cute Polaroid pictures of me and my friends and lights hanging up.

I walk downstairs and my parents have pizza. I guess they were to lazy to cook since this is our first day.
After we eat Sarah and I chill out on the couch watching Hercules. We then go up to bed, I have never slept better in my life.

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