Chapter 3

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I was woken up my the light shining through my window. I get up and go look at the lake through my window. I am very excited for our first whole day on lake Norman. I walk downstairs to the smell of eggs and bacon. Perfect. I hurry up and eat so we can start our day.

My parents decide they want to rent a boat, which I thought was a fantastic Idea since I love water sports and we have a dock. The boat is beautiful. We got a double person tube, skis, and a wake board. My mom packs sandwiches for the boat ride. We all get on and I help Sarah put on her life jacket. We start our journey on the boat.

The lake is amazing! Sarah and I decide we want to go tubing together we lay down on our stomachs the boat starts off and we're off. It's crazy bumpy but we both hold on for our dear lives. I look at my surrounds as I'm spreading through the water and notice lots of other people. There's a few boats with boys my age, I take a look at them. Ugly. Then I see a kid and his brother tubing beside me. Not bad, but not interested. I've never been interested in boys. They don't like me so why try. The boy and I make awkward eye contact when we hit a huge bump and I almost fly off but manage to catch myself. I have my mom pull us in so she can ski.

We spend the whole day on the boat but I can't forget about that kid I made awkward eye contact with. We get off the boat around dinner and my family grills some hotdogs. Basic. They make a fire but I don't get good wifi from the fire so I go up to my room. I scroll through my Instagram feed to see what everyone's doing without me. Nothing good. I decide I'm going to go for a ride on my penny board. I first got my penny board for fashion and to be cool but I realized I absolutely love it. Everyone else sucked and looked dumb but I was actually pretty good.

I ride down the road just looking around when I got a numb and fly off my board. I hear laughing and look up to see these group of girls laughing and coming toward me. "Are you okay?" The one girl with long straight brown hair and brown eyes asks, she looks around my age. "Ya I'm fine, thanks for asking." "Hey I've never seen you before" a different girl with blonde hair and green eyes says. "That's because I am, I'm staying here this summer" I answered. They seem pretty nice and chill. Maybe we'll become friends. "What's your name" the last girl with ombré ish hair and grey eyes asks me. "Aubry" i answered. I asked they're names and I learned the girl with brown hair was Zoey, Blonde hair was Emma, and Ombré hair was Reagan. 
We chatted for a bit and decided that we would all go to the ocean tomorrow and play some volleyball. I was beyond happy, making friends isn't that hard. You just have to my clumsy and look stupid.

I ride back to my house to tell my parents about my plans for tomorrow. Sarah over hears me say beach and immediately wants to join. Great. My parents said they are going to come also. Love my life. That was complete sarcasm if you couldn't tell. I made them promise to stay far away from me and not talk to me. I don't need them to embarrass me already.

I walk up stairs to pick out which bathing suit I'm going to wear tomorrow. I am very insecure about my body. I'm not fat but I'm not society's ideal body for skinny. Slightly bigger than average. I won't be caught dead in a one piece though. I pick out a top that's a gray ruffle with a little bit of a white pattern with maroon around the edges and solid gray bottoms. I set out my sunglasses and towel. I crawl into bed and quickly drift to sleep.

This Kid (a Hayes Grier fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now