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At first, there were only the stars.

Through the pressure of eons, they hardened, became life, and essence of life, und thus, the gods were made.

The myths of creation speak at length about the collision of The Father of the Mountain, and the Goddess of all Waters, their fights and warfare that made continents and mountains, only to destroy them again.
The brutality of their battles, that ground all existence until it was sand, and finally the love, that made wet and fertile earth from ground up rock and water.

They rarely speak of the third god of creation, if they know of them at all.

They were unseen, elusive in their double nature.
A single being, made of twins that would not part, brother wind and sister air - or was it the other way around - bound in their eternal dance.

The twin of Skies was there long before The Father of the Mountain was born,
long before The Goddess of All Waters condensed into existence,
and they were meant to be there still, when all was gone again.

However, they would not.

They had been tricked, trapped within the mortal shell of the last of the beings that could bear their presence,
their own children, the children of the sky, the winged folk who were not angels, but birds.

Unknowing, the very last of their race now imprisoned their god deep within them, killing them slowly, condensing the essence of a double soul older than the stars itsself, drip by drip, into something a single foolish human wished to drink.

Drop, by steady drop.

Soon, the process would be complete, and when finally the twin of the skies was no more the world also would come to its end.

This is the future, set and sealed.

There has been a time for heros to appear, a time where the world might still have been saved.
But that time has long passed.

Now, all that is left to decide is the manner of this worlds destruction, and how many years will be left until all is done.
But, what are mere years in the face of all eternity...

However, the end is not quite yet upon us.

There is still time for a tale.

So, let me tell you of gods and men and all races and creatures in between, and see for yourself, what is to come.

Follow me...

The Demise of the World,  Book 1: The Twin of Skies [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now