"It's the least I could do, seeing as you babysitted for me today." I tell him, I have ni clue why, but I really want him to come over again.

"If it's alright with you little lass then sure." He says, nodding his head toward Maisy.

"Yay! We can play tea party with grandpa!" Maisy says excited as can be.

The three of us make our way to my house, Maisy in my arms and her things in Killian's.

"Mommy can I have some chocolate milk?" Maisy ask as we enter our home.

"Sure, thing honey just give mama a moment." I say putting her down on the ground where then tugged on Killian's arm leading him to the living room.

I quickly get Maisy her chocolate milk along with some waters for Killian and I. I then join both Killian and Maisy in the living room where Maisy is showing Killian her doll collection.

"Here you go Maisy, and here Killian I got us some water." I say handing him the bottle.

"Thanks love." He responds, which sends a warmth to my cheeks.

The hour passes but rather quickly, while I made dinner, Killian played dolls with Maisy while Snow White played on the television, I really need to get her to watch other movies as well.

Soon my parents and my best friend Regina arrive along with her son Henry.

"Emma! I've missed you so much!" Regina says giving me a hug, "Now where is my god daughter?" She says walking away toward the living room, me following behind.

"GINA!" I hear Maisy yell, running into her arms.

"Oh hello my sweet little angel, I missed you so much!" Regina says giving my daughter a hug.

"I missed you too!" Maisy tells her, then goes off to hang with Henry. Even though he is almost 12 years old, they are still very close.

Henry's POV

"Hey squirt how is my favorite little person." I say as Maisy climbs up on the couch next to me.

"I good, I miss you." She tells me sinking into her spot.

"I missed you too squirt wanna watch cartoons?" I ask, putting my arm around her.

"Uh huh!" She says snuggling up into my side.

Emma's POV

"Emma look at them aren't they the cutest!" Regina says, talking about Henry and Maisy who where currently snuggling on the couch watching tv.

"They are adorable." I respond, chopping some tomatoes.

"And they grow up so fast. It feels like yesterday when Henry was Maisy's age." Regina says sipping her wine.

"You got that right, I remember when Maisy was just a baby, god I wish she could stay like this." I say.

"What cute and adorable?" Regina remarks.

"Well yeah that, but also innocent." I say getting quite.

"You have to tell her someday Emma."

"I know but, what if she hates me?" I question, afraid of a world where my little girl no longer loves me.

"Emma you are the little girls whole world, she could never hate you." Regina reassures me. " And what's captain mick hotstuff doing here?" She ask me, changing the subject.

"He watched Maisy for me while I was at work, so I thought I'd invite him over to dinner." I simply respond, not looking her in the eye.

"Or to make tacos? Like your parents did when we were 16?" She says nudging me.

"Okay! Dinners ready!" I call, avoiding the awkward comment Regina made.

Everyone soon gathers around the table, I help Maisy with her plate and juice. Soon we are talking about our days and other things as well. Enjoying a wonderful dinner with my family.

After dinner we all sit around for a while talking some more and soon people start to leave until it's just Killian, Maisy and I left.

"Well that was a wonderful meal." Killian tells me helping me pick up.

"Thanks you, not only for coming but for watching Maisy, ever since we've gotten here life has been a bit hectic, and I'm usually never away from Maisy for the long." I tell him, putting the left overs in the fridge.

"She was a delight love, and if you would like, I often work from home, I coukd watch her for you." He tells me.

"You really don't have to do that." I tell him.

"It would be my pleasure. " He tells me, I look over into the living room and see Maisy fast asleep on the floor.

"I should probably be getting her to bed." I say with a laugh at how my angel can call asleep anywhere.

"Go on love, I'll finish off here." He tells me, picking up the last of the dishes.

"Okay I will be right back." I say making my way to the living room. I then pick Maisy uo and she snuggles into my body, and bring her upstairs to her room. I change her into night gown and lay her in bed, pulling the covers up and tucking her in, planting a kiss on her cheek.

"I love you Maisy." I whisper, pushing a stray hair out of her face.

"I love you too mommy." She mumbles back.

I make my way back down the stairs where Killian is putting on his coat.

"So I shall see you tomorrow?" He ask me.

"Yeah, I'll have Maisy at your house for 9." I tell him.

"Until then love." He says placing a light kiss on my cheek before exiting. For some reason I really wish he would do that again.

I make my way upstairs hot chocolate in hand and lay myself in bed falling asleep.


It must have been three am when I was awoken by a nand of thunder outside. It wasn't long until I heard Maisy's little footsteps coming down the hall.

"Mommy?" I hear her cry opening the door slightly.

"I'm here baby, come in." I say, she then quickly enters shutting the door behind her,  running up on my bed as another bang of thunder hits. She gets under the covers and snuggles into me.

"I scared mommy, make it go away" she begs me, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Oh baby if I could I would. How about we watch Snow?" I ask rubbing her back.

"No Snow, me want punzel." She tells me, so I then switch on Netflix and play the movie my daughter wishes.

She soon falls asleep again with her little thumb in her mouth and I soon follow, enjoying this moment forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2016 ⏰

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