chapter 18

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Damian stayed as long as he could –overnight again, and then until I had to go to class in the morning.

After what he'd shown me the night before, it took me a little while to calm down. I still could not believe how absolutely horrid his death had been. And after he said that I had had a worse death than him! I couldn't believe that one bit. I still remembered my death perfectly. And I didn't believe that my death had been worse one bit.

He felt bad about making me feel awful, and after he'd apologized a few times and I told him to stop, it wasn't his fault. It was my fault for the way I'd reacted. Maybe I should've kept everything bottled up till I was alone. I would have to keep that in mind next time.

But afterwards, I remembered to ask him how he'd been able to show me that. He told me that he was surprised it even worked. We were mates –you just didn't hear your partner's thoughts right away –it came with time. We were both happy with the fact it came so quickly though. I still couldn't hear his thoughts clearly though –it was still that little buzzing at the back of my skull. I wondered exactly when I would be able to hear him clearly.

Now, we were in my dorm still, and I was just starting to get ready. Kathy hadn't come back to the dorm... she knew Damian and I wanted our privacy momentarily, and she probably just spent her time with Will in his dorm, or went out with friends.

I was also readying myself for the day without him –now that we were together, I didn't want to be apart from him again.

He walked into the bathroom just as I had slipped on my skirt, completing my outfit, and he smiled as he looked me over.

"You look amazing."

I felt like I wanted to smile back, but the anticipation of the oncoming day only made me smile half heartedly.

His expression faded slightly as he watched my pitiful attempt to smile.

Then he was suddenly behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pressing his face into my hair, my neck.

"What's wrong love?" He murmured. I sighed, melting into him. Then I turned my head to look up at him.

"I just don't want you to leave,"

He sighed before he leaned down further to trail his lips over mine. I exhaled shakily, my eyes closed.

"I will only be gone until the end of the day. Don't worry... you know, I don't enjoy it anymore than you do."

My head inclined slightly as a response, too mesmerized to be able to do anything else.

But then he sighed sadly.

"I have to go now."

My eyes closed tighter before I spun around, throwing my arms around him. At any moment, we could be driven apart. Our leaders, our oppressors, could kill us. Or more importantly, kill him. If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't be in this kind of trouble in the first place.

And the scariest thing that could happen was Nathaniel could find out. We couldn't really predict what he would do, but I certainly had an idea. The big question there was what would he do with us if he did discover our secret? I was afraid to find out, or even know for that matter.

He embraced me just as tightly... just as Kathy walked in the door.


She pushed open the bathroom door, and her eyes widened as she saw us. My eyes widened in horror. Ughh... not again. This could not become normality.

"Oh, my... sorry!" She said in a surprised voice before she slammed the door. I could hear her steps as she ran to the couch, and sat down. Waiting for me. She most likely wanted to talk to me –I had a pretty good idea about what, and I was dreading it already.

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