chapter 8

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"Good morning Marie!" My mother called cheerfully from my bedroom door. I don't know why she was so jolly lately... it kind of scared me. I didn't know why she was like this. Another thing I didn't understand is how happy and awake someone could be at this time in the morning.

I sat on my bed, basically spaced out as I stared out the window. The sun was just coming up –turning everything that dusky purple colour again.

"Morning, mother." I muttered tonelessly.

She fluttered into my room, and sat herself on the end of my tiny bed. I squeezed into the corner a little more.

"So... guess what's happening tonight?" She said in an excited, high pitched voice.

I glanced at her from the side of my eyes. She paused. I sighed.


"Oh, I told you when you got back from the hospital honey!" I flinched slightly as she called me 'honey', but she didn't seem to notice. What was wrong with her?

"The manager's retirement party is tonight at the Salmo Lion's Club!"

Frowning, I turned my head to look at her.


"And I was wondering if you wanted to come with me! It should be fun..."

I mentally groaned. What was I going to say? If I said no, then I might get beaten up. I couldn't count on her staying this way for too long. And then if I said yes, I would have to suffer through a night of being surrounded by strangers. There were probably a lot more reasons than that, yet to be known.

"Well, what do you say? I have a dress for you that you can wear." She was still as flighty as ever. Okay, I really had to seriously ask myself if I was just imagining this, or this was a stranger that had locked up my mother somewhere. Not that I was complaining but still....

Well, what would it be? Would I just face tonight, feeling miserable all the while... or risk Cynthia losing her temper? I didn't want to get my butt kicked any time soon... I gave up as I heaved a sigh.

"All right."

She squealed, and clapped her hands. And I was a little bit dismayed. What had I just agreed to?

"Oh this will be so much fun... Do you want to see the dress? It'll be perfect... I bought it awhile ago, when I was thinner, and I never got the chance to wear it. But I'm sure it will look just ravishing on you."

That also came as a surprise to me. Cynthia had never given me a gift, ever. She'd never

"Umm... no, I'll wait till tonight to see it. I should start to get ready anyhow."

She stood up with a smile.

"All right, that's okay... So do you want me to make breakfast for you? You must never eat in the morning... you always leave late."

I shook my head slightly. I was really very shocked still.

"No that's all right... I'm going to go take a shower now."

My voice sounded really uncertain, it sounded almost like a question, but she nodded anyway.

"All righty then... well I'm going to get going to work if that's the case. Have a good day, sweetie!"

I flinched again as she left the room. I was seriously wondering if my mother had gone mentally insane, was experiencing amnesia, or had started taken mood enhancers...

With an angry huff I practically jumped off the bed, gathered my clothes, and walked to the bathroom. I didn't understand anything anymore.

I finished getting ready, and went to grab my bag.

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