"You seem to be having a good time." 

"I am." Alli replied to me. "I am so happy I get to share this part of your life with you. I would never have been to come to a concert, let alone, be at a sound check with you, my boyfriend, on stage. This is any Directioner's dream come true. Seriously. This is amazing." 

"I'm glad you're enjoying it." 

*Liam POV*

After stopping Allison from destroying all our ear drums by yelling into the mic, I headed backstage to find my girl. 

"Beeccccaaaa!" I sang, and walked into my dressing room, where I found her asleep. She was up all night, not being able to sleep. I guess she finally found a comfortable enough to fall asleep. 

I didn't want to wake her, so I just kissed her forehead, and headed for the door. 

"Liam." She said. I turned to see she still had her eyes closed, but she was smiling. "I love you." She whispered, barely audible. 

"I love you too." I replied. 

*Niall POV*

I was eating a cheese burger when Alayna found me. "Hey! What's up Mr. Potato head?"

"I like that nick name. Toy Story is fantastic movie."

"It is." She said, and my cheek (which was full of cheese burger). "How late will your concert go 'til? I was thinking we could catch a movie or something. I wanted to _The Host,_ It's on dvd now. Maybe we get it, and watch it together?" 

I was going to say no, because we are always so tired after concerts. But then I thought more into it; I love her, and we never get alone time anymore. I owe her this. Even though I am going to be so tired tonight (I already am), I will be so busy after tonight, I wont have time until this leg of the tour is finished.

"Of course." I answered. 

"You sure? You wont be too tired?" 

"No. I'll be too tired to spend time with my baby." I answered, and kissed her. 

*Harry POV*

"I have to start planning my bachelor-ette party!" Cat said, thinking out loud.

"You going to drink?" I asked her, expecting to her say no.

"Maybe. I mean, it's a bachelor-ette party right? Obviously strip clubs aren't my thing, but I'm old enough to drink now. I turned eighteen a while ago, and still haven't haven't had any alcohol."

"There's not to you drinking Kitty Cat." I said, and ran my fingers up and down her arm. She said it helps her think. I did it while she did her Physics homework a few weeks ago. They are going to do home school with our old tutor. Even though they're eighteen, they all want a diploma. 

"I know... I've always wanted to taste it though. My mom never drinks. My dad always had beer. In America it's illegal for me, but since I'm a citizen here..." 

"But no strippers?"

"Gross no. That's NASTY." 

"Oh really?"

"Ewwwwwww!" She said, and shivered. I couldn't help but laugh. 

"ASHTON!! MICHAEL!!! CALUM!!! LUKE!!!" I hear the others yell. They are an hour and a half late. They called, they were caught in major concert traffic already. I guess for our first concert in months, our fans missed hearing us perform!


"Hey everyone 

Saw some signs about me tonight that where a bit upsetting dont know whats happend but i hope I'm good with you guys and I hope you know how grateful I am that you guys have done all of this for us because i genuinely can't believe how lucky I am to be here.

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