This is Sacred

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*Ten years later*
Scar and Ricky are still in their bands.
They're living a happy life with their little girl.
Sure they still had their fights every once in a while but they always found a reason to forgive each other.
Luna grew up to be a happy, healthy, beautiful girl.
Oh and Ryan-Ashley and Balz finally got married!
Chris is engaged with Ash but unfortunately Ghost's and Violet's relationship didn't last very long.
They broke up on and off until they finally decided to stay separated, but they're still good friends...probably with benefits.
Ryan found a girl but she turned out to be a cheat.
He thinks he's better off being single for a while longer.
Vinny never really found the perfect girl so he just spends his time playing video games with Ghost.
After Jessica harassed Ricky and Scar on Luna's fifth birthday, Ricky had enough of her and filed a restraining order on her.
She's now in jail.

Everybody's well, except for Jessica, living their dreams with the perfect family.
Now will that last forever?
Maybe, maybe not but that's soon to find out...

Now I hope you guys enjoyed this story but it apperantly has to come to an end. I know I for sure had a lot of fun writing it. Thank you guys for leaving me with 6.82k reads and 433 votes. That's amazing, thank you all! I never expected my first story to end up like this. I can't wait to start with the second book to this story and continue with my Andy Biersack story. Hopefully they both become as successful as this one, maybe even more. So much good things came out of this story. Love you guys, every one of you. Thank you so much for reading this♡. BTW I'm sorry for the shitty ending, I've never been very good at these. Forgive me.

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