I got tagged (A.N)

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I got tagged by alicefozz so here we go...

I got tagged by alicefozz so here we go

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1. My nickname is Izzy short for Isabella

2. My eyes are actually quite funny. I have hazel eyes but some people say they look yellow and some people debate saying there green or brown.

3. Really dark brown almost black

4. I live in a small village in the countryside that is about 10 miles away from any town in England

5. My favourite color is Turquoise

6. I wouldn't say i have a favourite place but i love remote places in the middle of nowhere like fields and woods for example

7. Markiplier and if he doesn't count Gerrard Way

8. Wolves

9. I don't have a favourite song but im loving heathens right now by twenty one pilots

10. Looking for Alaska, The messenger of fear, What the lady wants 

Thank you alicefozz for tagging me and i want to take this moment to say something to everyone who reads my books...

I uploaded my first story in march and i was really scared about doing it cus i was scared i was gonna get hate for my grammar and spelling mistakes because i have dislexya. Anyway i uploaded i think two chapters and i don't upload anymore until April...

(Depression and Anxiety alert)

On April first i broke up with my boyfriend and we had been together for a long time and i loved him. It wasn't the break up that literly destroyed me it was what followed. The people who i was friends with for ages started sending me awful messages calling me every name under the sun. This led to me unable to go on Facebook or go into school because my anxiety got really really bad. Also while all this was going on my dad was in hospital due to a car crash he had. So i sunk in to depression, i was crying every second, i could talk cus it would just end up with me crying and i couldn't eat cus i just end up throwing up. When i managed to get back to school i had to deal with one of my friends who's relationship was going through hell because of the same boys that messaged me. Then i got a texted from an unknown number and it was them. This happened in may and i still haven't touched that phone since. I know have a new phone but i don't go on that either.

The boy that i fell in love with i found out had been lying to me for the whole relationship and he split me away from my friends and my own dad. This was a guy who told me he never told a lie and never broke a promise.

There we're three things that got me through that and that is:
My friends

When i couldn't go into school because i was to scared to id sit at home and watch Markiplier because he made me forget about everything.

My friend Abby wouldn't let me out of her sight. She looked after me, she calmed me down when i was having panic attacks and told me what ever happens it wasn't my fault cus i have a habit of blaming myself. My friend Tom who is also my current boyfriend also looked after me and hugged me when i started crying and he is one of the most nicest and sweetest guys i have ever known he treats me like a princess and protects me from everyone and everything.

And finally watt pad A.K.A you guys...
To help cope with my anxiety i would write, so i finished my first book "let Darkness Protect you" that used to be "Dark sky's" and because of the amazing comments i got i made a second book "what a crazy little mind you have" and you guys left loads of amazing comments that lifted my spirit and made me feel like i actually meant something so i really really wanna thank every single one of you amazing people. You are incredible, don't let anyone tell you differently.

I am still recovering from everything that's happened for example I've deleted my Facebook account and have got a new phone but i mainly use my tablet for everything. Im still a little scared to go to town where they all live but im building up the confidence.

But thank you to everyone who had helped me and gotten me through this awful part of my life. Thank you to you guys for all your kind and inspirational words and if you are ever dealing with something please please talk to someone about it and if you really want talk to me about it because i will always answer.

Anyway my twenty random people are...

1. Markimoo_darkibae
2. JennaHoney14
3. XenomorphQueen101
4. QueenChica
5. TheCookieBox
6. SkylerWarner5
7. FTNashiDragneel
8. SinfulGeek
9. Gungirl112
10. DurnehviirXSoul

What A Crazy Little Mind You Have ~ Darkiplier/Markiplier X ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant