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(Y/N P.O.V)

The last thing I remembered was the air being squeezed out of my week body, then everything went black. I rolled my head back in pain as my systems rebooted and all feeling returned. I felt dizzy and I had a massive headache. My spine throbbed in pain, as if I was thrown against a wall.
Oh wait, now I'm starting to remember. Dark did this to me, I'm going to punch him in his pretty face.

Looks like I'm about to get my chance. I heard a door open and then someone walk in. I tried to get up but I was tied down to a chair. As the footsteps grew closer, I realised that whoever it was they weren't alone. I could make out the body's of five men  through the blinding darkness.
Wilford, Anti, Cry, Glitch and Dark. They swarmed around me blocking all my ways of escape. I was surrounded with nowhere to run and nowhere to go.

Dark bent down in front of me till his bloody eyes were equal with mine.
''Oh dear, what do we have here?''
''Looks like a helpless little child~''
Wilford was behind me with his hands placed on my shoulders.
''Come on guys, can we just get on with it?"
Anti seemed slightly irritated but I was more concerned by his question then his attitude.
''I agree, teasing is quite fun and all but can we get started, please?''
''Fine, Cry go get the canister.''
Cry left the group to complete Dark's command. When he returned, he was carrying a gasoline can. He placed it on the the floor next to Dark's feet.
''Now the fun begins!'' Dark whipped out a knife and sliced through my shirt, ripping it off.
They all grinned wickedly and laughed as Wilford kicked the chair backwards. My head hit the ground hard and I cried out in pain. Their laughter grew louder as Dark took my torn shirt and folded it over my mouth. My tears started to fall from the corner of my eyes, I wanted this dream to end. As if reading my mind, Anti spoke out.
''You can't wake up, this is not a dream~''
I could see Dark reach down and pick up the canister.

''We're going to play a little game''
''The concepts simple, we ask you a question and you answer it''
''Answer correctly and your safe and dry''
''Answer incorrectly then we get to have some fun''
My eyes grew wide in fear as they all loomed over me with faces of insanity.

''Who wants to go first?''
''ME, ME, ME, ME, ME'' Glitch jumped up and down with excitement.
''Are you high enough without the Mary Jane like me?"
What kind of question is that? I shook my head at his absurd question which caused a large smirk to appear on Dark's face.
He started pouring the liquid over my face. They all laughed as my body jerked and the chair rattled against the ground.
''Next question, Wilford?"
Dark seemed to be enjoying himself, sadistic asshole.
''Do you call yourself a fucking hurricane like me?"
I shook my head and...
Everything was a huge blur, I tried to close my eyes but the liquid filled them up before I could.
''Cry? Your turn.''
''Do you tear yourself apart to entertain like me?''
I shook my head again and the liquid filled my lungs and I felt everything grow colder as the air hit my wet naked skin.
''Are you deranged like me?"
I wanted to just die but they wouldn't let that happen, they enjoy the sight of my pain to much.
''Are you strange like me?"
I shook my head once more.
''Now that's definitely wrong''
I braced myself for the impact but nothing came.

''Looks like we're gonna have to go plan B''
He walked away and the others lifted the chair back on to its legs. The pitter pat of dripping water echoed through out the dingy room. Wilford removed the gag and water came pouring out my mouth as I started coughing, trying to empty my lungs of the fowl liquid. Dark soon returned carrying a large metal baseball bat.
''Where we're we? Oh yeah..''
He swung and hit my leg with full force. I cried out in agony as the sensation of pain over flowed my body.
''Tell me...''
Dark bent down, still holding the bat. He grabbed my chin and lifted my head up so I was looking into his bloody eyes.
''Are you insane like me?''
His voice was nothing more then a distant whisper.
''Have you been in pain like me?''
My voice was weak and breaking, drowning in a sea of sorrow.
''Good girl~''
He undid the ties and motioned for me to stand. I tried but once out of the chair my body collapsed.

Dark picked me up off the concrete floor before carrying me out of the room. He looked down at me as I looked up at him.
''You are not human Y/N, your part of something much bigger, you are part of a machine''
I wanted to reply but all my strength had fled and my eye lids became heavy curtains. I slipped into darkness once again.

(Full song below)

What A Crazy Little Mind You Have ~ Darkiplier/Markiplier X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now