The Man In The Chair

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(Y/N P.O.V)

Everyone roared in cheers as Dark walked over to a control panel and pulled a lever which caused the floor to open up and the sound of chains clattering filled the room. Being raised through the hole was a man sat in a large chair with wires hanging around it. The man had similar features to Dark and Wilford except the large glowing G on his chest.

Everyone went silent when he opened his eyes which emitted a blue glow. He gazed down at me with his stiff, lifeless eyes and smirked before relaxing into a more casual position.

"At last we finally meet."

Dark took my hand once again and lead me closer to the man in front. As each step grew closer his grin grew wider. His aura gave me chills which he noticed.

"Don't worry I wont do anything~"
"Who are you?"
"I'm the man who has the difficult job of keeping you sane."
"I look after your mind and where it lays. At the moment your mind lays between two worlds and this is causing your mind to tear apart, its very likely that your whole brain could turn to slush"

My eyes went wide as he told me this.

"Don't worry its easily curable, the only thing you have to do is make a choice'
"What choice?"
"Whether you to stay here or go back"

Go back? Does he mean back to Mark and Jack. I've wanted to go back for so long but now that I can I'm not so sure anymore. If I stay I leave behind my whole life; my friends, my family, my fans to stay with the people who hurt and tortured me. This should be the easiest decision but i can't decide. I feel like this place is a part of me, like I belong here, like this is where I should be, with Dark.

But what about Mark...


(Marks P.O.V)

"Okay we're nearly ready"
"And you're sure this is gonna work?"
"Is it gonna bring her back?"
Me and Jack asked question after question as they prepared Y/N body.

"Yes it will, that is if..."
Tim trailed off not wanting to destroy our hope or increases our worry. However Sam did.

"If what?"
"If she wants to come back"
"What do you mean if she wants to come back" Jack squealed.
"Why wouldn't she want to come back?"
"It could be possible that the alternatives could've convinced her to stay."
"But what about us, her friends, her family?"

I could see the tears forming in Jacks eyes.

"Look the procedure involves someone having to go inside her mind and pull her out."
"Okay, who?"
"Shouldn't it be Jack?"
"Jack is blood related, it wouldn't work"
"It's okay Mark, you can do it."
"Okay...okay what do i need to do?"

Sam patted the ground next to him. I walked over and sat down. He pulled out a small needle. He pricked his finger and used the blood to stamp each corner of the table that Y/N laid on. He repeated the same routine with both mine and Y/N blood.

"May our marks act as your beacon in the darkness, a signal to show your home."

He grabbed my finger and squeezed a drop of blood into his and Y/N mouth. He then took a drop from Y/N before instructing me to do the same. I hesitated before taking a sip of both Y/n and Sam's blood. The metallic taste twisted my stomach and made me go pale.

"The blood will create the link that will join our minds, so we may join you in which ever world you may be."

Everything went black, the last thing i heard was the sound of Tim's faint voice.

"Now we wait.."


(Y/N P.O.V)

"Dark, if I may."
Dark took out a knife and handed it over. He sliced his hand and squeezed the blood into one of three cups. Dark did the same into one of the other cups leaving one empty and needed to be filled. As the man approached with the knife, I took a step back in fear and looked at Dark. He gave me a simple nod that told me it was okay. My fear settled slightly but I was still unprepared for the sharp blade's touch. Soon the third and final cup was filled. we all drank from each others cups except our own. The taste made me ill and I soon became very light headed. I collapsed to the floor, the last thing I heard was the low voice of the man from the chair.

"Now we begin."


What A Crazy Little Mind You Have ~ Darkiplier/Markiplier X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now