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Justianny had been walking while eating cotton candy, with her brother. He had gotten her a Disney hat and was currently fixing the extra strands that stood out from her hair.

"The rides here are awesome." She had said with a bright smile, and turned to offer her brother some of her cotton candy.

He smiled and nodded in agreement, then took a bite of it.

"Guys! No, stop please!" They heard and they turned to look forward. Ciara's small body had been kicking and thrashing, while both Michael and Kyle had been holding her by her arms and pulling her towards the Tower of Terror.

"Fuck no! I don't care if this is a kid's fucking world—Michael, I thought you were my friend!" She continued to yell out, causing for both Justianny and her brother to chuckle at them.

They had all grouped together after she and Justin explored Disney. They were just getting cotton candy, when they bumped into the three. Ciara's face had been pale while Michael had been smiling and Kyle had been laughing, stating how they rode a kids ride and she had been crying more than the three year old behind them.

"You know, I thought you would be with Ciara."

Justin turned to look down at his sister, questioningly.

"Ciara and I are just friends, Justianny." He said as he turned to look at her again. He had a hard time believing himself, but he couldn't hope for more. That would have been too complicated—he was too complicated.

"So, you got with Cristina now?" She asked dryly, and Justin's look turned into a confused expression. The way she asked that question. . . it wasn't like his sister at all.

"What?" He let out, still reacting from her tone.

She shrugged her shoulders and continued to eat her cotton candy.

"Is everything OK?" He asked his sister, not content with the 'answer' that she gave him. What was all of that?

She turned to beam at him, then said, "Let's go catch up with them."

"Justianny—" he started, but cut himself off when she ran off to the three. As she joined in on trying to help Ciara get into the attraction, Justin looked at his sister, unsure about how to feel.

Ever since they found out everything, Justianny began to grow a little distant. And after she went to visit her father's house, when she found everything out through his wife, she was a little. . . different.

Even her smiles weren't the same.

But the way she said that question about Cristina threw him off by a lot.

Did something happen between them?

He'd have to find out.


Michael walked out into the hallway wearing a suit and tie. His hair, with the help of Ciara, had been gelled back and his lines were memorized, thanks to Justianny, who helped while Ciara was doing her thing.

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