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5 Years Later

Xavier P.O.V. :

Its been 5 years since all the kids were born. Xavi's 16, Jasmine's 12, Alejandro's 11 and the baby is Rebeca and she's 8. They all grew up so fast. Eren is turning 37 and i'm turning 38. All of the kids were close to each other. They fought a couple times but they had each other's backs. 

Its also been 2 years since Eren's father died. Alejandro was the last grandchild he saw. I remember how broken Eren was. I remember how he asked how I was able to live alone without my family. I couldn't answer him because I didn't even know myself. 

Another tragic death was Spike. he died when Eren was still pregnant with Alejandro. Spike died saving Xavi from falling down the stairs. He grabbed him put he slipped and fell all the way to the bottom of the steps. He didn't die instantly, he broke his leg and a rib. But he was old and I knew it was time to put him down.

I missed him, he was my first dog. I remember the first time I met him was when Eren gave him to me as a present. We bought three other dogs. One is a german sheppard, another is a minature poodle and the last one is a golden retriever. 

Also the group is still together everyone is now married and has kids. Another thing we might face is Eren's mother, she's ill and old. Everyone knows that she isn't going to make it, even Eren. My abuela died a month after Eren's father. So to say we have lost improtant people. 

However I truly hold amiration to Eren's father, here's why:


Eren and I entered the hospital room; we left the kids at Danny and Patricks. "How you doing pop's?", Eren asked snifling. "Don't cry kiddo, everyone has to die at some point." I stood by the door giving them space. That broke Eren and he began to sob into his father's chest.

His sob's reminded me of my own when my father was murdered. "How can't I cry pop's, I know people die, but why do have to, why now?!" Eren sobbed harder. I walked over and rubbed his back. "Eren look at me." I remember Eren's face, it was f pure sadness. "Eren, you have 3 of my grandchildren to look after and i'll watch after from wherever I go. I don't want to go, but its my time already." 

"Eren I need to speak to Xavier alone, go be with your mother kiddo." Eren nodded and walked out. "Take a seat." I sat down and he cleared his throat, I could see tear coming out. "Xavier, take care f my boy. Take care of my grandchildren, got it." "Of course sir." "I'm sorry with all the things you had to put up with me. Since the very begining I knew that you and Eren would stay together and live a happy life. Be the great father that you are, I never was one to Eren." 

I was shocked that he said that. "Diego you..." He put a hand up and told me the story about Christina's pregnancy with Eren. "So you see, I chose myself over my own child. Your a good man Xavier, your father would be proud of you. I know I am." I looked at hima dn he smiled.

"Be there for Eren, please. Your a strong man to have gone through all that alone. I'll watch you from wherever I go Xavier, i'll meet your family and tell them how much of a great young man you turned out to be, i'll tell them that your a true example of a true man, husband and father."

Tears started coming out of my eyes. I cleared my throat, "Thank you Diego. I promise with my life, i'll protect Eren and our children." Diego smiled and closed his eyes, then there was a long beep sound. I remember I looked at the herat screen and saw a flat line.

I remember doctors and nurses rushing around, I remember Eren falling to the floor crying with his mother and sisters. 

.............................End of Flashback...................................

I smiled and walked outside. I looked up at the afternoon sky, "Thanks, Diego." I heard the door open. I looked back and saw it was Xavi. "What's up." "Nothing just that momma wants you to know that lunch is almost ready." I nodded.

"Dad, can I ask you something?" "Of course lil man." He laughed and stood next to me. "How were grandma and granpa like?" I sighed happily, the children always asked me about their grandparents; I could tell them a story about them 50 times and they'll never get bored.

"Now that I think of it, they were like me and your momma." "How?" "The way your momma acts is how my mom would act; then I do things my dad used to do." "Can I ask another question?" "Sure bud." "How can momma have kids even when momma is a guy?" 

"I guess its the worlds way of showing abnormal things, or miracles. Why, would you prefer momma to actually be a women?" He shook his head smiling. "No dad, I don't; momma's amazing, I couldn't ask for a better mom, even if he isn't a she." I grabbed him and slung my arm around his shoulders. "That's my boy."

"I love you dad." I kissed his head,"I love you too kiddo." 

"Hey lunch is ready!" We both walked back in and I helped Eren serve the kids. Before we went to the dining room I trapped Eren between my body and the kitchen counter. "Babe the kids are here!", he whispered. I leaned down and kissed him long and hard.

I pulled away, "Thank you for giving me a family Eren." He smiled and kissed me before pulling away. "Your welcome, I am your savior afterall, aren't I." 

I smiled and gave him one last peck before going into the dining room. As I sat down I looked around the table and saw my children laughing and talking; Eren scolding when they threw food or weren't eating their vegetables. I smiled. 

Never would I have thought I would be where I am now. 

I looked across the table to my husband and mother of our children and smiled, he looked at me for a split second and smiled back before conversing with Jasmine.  

I will always love my savior and the little miracles we created.

Eren Rodriguez, you are MY SAVIOR.

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