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Xavier P.O.V. :

I slowly startd waking up. I felt great, I haven't slept like that in years. Eren's massage was great too, my whole body felt fresh. I looked at the alarm clock and it read 11. WOW. I haven't slept till 11 in years!

I sat up and stretched out my muscles. I decided to surprise Eren at work. I got up getting ready to shower.

...........................................20 Minutes Later.................................................

Xavier P.O.V. :

It was 11:25 when I got inside my car. I headed to Taco Bell first picking up something to eat, for Eren and I. I got to the school around 11:45. I parked the car and got out with the bag. I walked inside the office and Stacy greeted me. "Hello Xavier, here to see Eren." "Yup." "here is the visitors pass and he has class right now, their about to go to lunch in about 15 minutes." "Okay, thanks Stace." "No prob." 

I stuck the visitors pass ontomy shirt and walked to his classroom. As I was walking, everything was reminding me of Evergreen High. Ugh. The only bright thing was Eren and everyone in the group, other than that, it was bullshit.

As I walked up the stairs girls were checking me out as well as a few guys and a few of the teachers that were outside. I got to his classroom and knocked.

Eren P.O.V. :

I had my class doing a study guide for this Friday's test when there was a knock on my door. One of my students was going to get up, "Its ok Timothy, I got it, do your work okay." "Ok." I smiled and walked to the door. I opened it and saw my husband! 

"Hey love." I was shocked."H-Hi b-babe." He smiled and was about to kiss me, I snapped out of it and put my hands on his chest. My entire class was looking at us smiling. It wasn't his first time coming here but he hasn't come in 2 years  to my job.

I let him in and he waved at my students. They have meet him before in back to school night and pictures that I have here. We walked to my desk and I gave him my T.A.'s chair since he wasn't here. "Why didn't you let me kiss you.", he whispered. 

"My students were watching us.", I whispered back. "So, their senior's or junior's aren't they." I laughed quietly and shushed him. "Umm..Mr.Rodriguez?" I looked up to see Johnny, my straight A student. "How may I help you Johnny?" "I don't get number 15." Xavier rolled his chair away for Johnny to stand next to me.

I brought him a chair and he sat down and I explained to him. "Hey, you think you can help me?" I heard one of my students ask Xavier,I smiled. I finished explaining to Johnny and he got up and went back to his desk. I have ket my students call me Eren but most call me Mr.Rodriguez out of respect.

"What do you ned help with kid?" "Number 5." I giggled silently. Xavier was bad at english. I saw him scratching the back of his neck and he shrugged his shoulders. "Sorry kid, go to your teacher he's the one that has helped me in english throughout school. My student's head hung low and when he saw me starring at them he blushed.

I got up and went over to his desk. "What seems to be the problem?" He told me and I explained it to him and he wrote down everything that I was saying and wrote an answer, asking if it was correct. I checked it and high fived him. "Good job, keep it up." I went back over to my dessk and Xavier rolled back.

I saw the time and they had 10 minutes left. I got up and went to stand in the front of the class. "Alright guys take a picture, I need you to bring me back the study guides." Everyone took out their phones and took pictures and stood up to bring them up to me. 

I gathered them all and paper clipped them. Sasha, another student of mine came up to my desk. "Eren, can I come here after lunch to pick up my guitar?" "Yeah of course you can." "Thank you." "Your welcome." She went back to her seat, then 2 minutes later the bell rang and they all walked out. 

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