Your Child Is Sick ( Part 3)

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Y/N Pov: I was very disappointed that my other child got sick, I could already tell that it was going to be a long night,dealing with 2 kids sick, I hoped that I wouldn't have to take care of another child.

Oliver's Pov: I was feeling terrible,my stomach was gurgling and my head was throbbing,I asked mom if she would cut the lights out because the lights were making my head hurt a lot, I started to rub at my stomach because my stomach was killing me and I wanted some pain relief.

Oliver: Mom.

Y/N: Yes sweetie.

Oliver: Can you please turn off the lights?

Y/N: Sure but why?

Oliver: Mom, My head is throbbing and the lights are making my head hurt worse than earlier.

Y/N: Sure sweetheart.

Y/N turns all the lights off so Oliver's head wouldn't hurt anymore,you look at your son with a very sad face because it made you sad that your son was in horrible pain.

Oliver: Mom, thanks again.

Y/N: You are welcome sweetie.

Taylor: Mommy.

Y/N: Yes sweetie.

Taylor: My stomach.

Y/N: Does your stomach hurt?

Taylor: Yes.

Y/N: Do you want some medicine?

Taylor: Please.

Y/N: Okay.

Y/N goes inside of the kitchen in the medicine cabinet and pulls out a bottle of stomach soothers.

Y/N: I am back with stomach soothers.

Taylor: Thanks mom.

Y/N: No problem sweetie.

Y/N hands Taylor a few crackers to eat before she takes the stomach soothers that you bought to her and hands her a bottle of water and she takes them.

Y/N: This should soothe your stomach.

Taylor: I am going to lay down.

Y/N: How about you lay down right here.

Taylor: Okay.

Taylor lies down on the chaise lounge that was facing the TV and watches the movie.

Y/N Pov's: Taylor and Oliver are both sick with the stomach bug and my husband is at work, trying to take care of  2 kids is fine but if another child of mines gets sick I might lose my mind.

Just when Y/N's son Blake gets
back from his soccer game he drops his Soccer stuff down on the ground and closes and locks the front door before rushing to the bathroom to throw up.

Y/N: Blake, what's the matter?

Blake: Mom, I don't feel good. * He calls from the bathroom before throwing up again *

Y/N: What doesn't feel good?

Blake: My stomach. * He says finally dry heaving *

Y/N: Okay. * I say sighing being aware that Blake had the bug *

-- At The Studio --

Louis: So, when will we be picking tracks to put on our next album. * He asks their manager
Paul: you'll be picking songs for the next album, two months before it's release. * He says to Louis *

Louis: Alright, that's doable. * I say to Paul *

Harry: That is doable but we have to complete the album first .

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