It's Never That Easy

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Jason nodded to someone behind him and I felt a sharp pain in the back of my neck.

"Unable to shift."

"W-What did you do?!"

"It'll kick in soon."

I gasped in fear as everything started to swirl around me, making me dizzy.

"Wha . . . I . . . I don't . . . I can't__________!"

"It's a  liquid form of a drug we discovered, something that the humans call PCP. Enjoy."

I cried out in surprise, I could see what Jason was saying, I mean I could see each letter connecting together to form words and each would connecting to form sentences! It was beautiful, but at the same time terrifying. Turning away from him, I looked at the world around me, the colors were so bright and vivid that I could almost taste . . . no I could taste them, the browns tasted like spices and almonds, the green tasted like herbs, bitter and slightly spicy and for some reason the color blue tasted like honey. I kept my eyes focusing on that color sticking my tongue out to catch more of it on my tongue, ignoring the voices surrounding me. I growled when a hand landed on my shoulder, distracting me and turned my head to snap at it and it immediately shoved me to the ground. I growled quietly as shapeless blobs moved closer to me, high pitched chittering reaching my ears as they came closer. Ignoring the shapes, I focused my attention back on the blue of the sky, eagerly pulling more of the honey taste into my mouth. One of the shapes grabbed me by my hair, jerking my head back and my mind cleared enough that I could understand what he was saying.

"You are going to behave, Joey. You're going to do what my men and I tell you to do and when I send you back you're going to let them lock you up. As soon as those cell doors close behind you, you're going to find out where he's hiding the Luna of the Silver Moon Pack . . . do you understand?"

I stared up at the shape of Jason in confusion and he the slapped me across the face, the pain clearing my head even more.

"Do. You. Understand?!"

"W-Why would the Silver Moon Pack's Luna be here?"

"That's not your concern, yet . . . now nod your head if you understand what I want you to do."

I quickly nodded and he released me, letting me collapse to the ground.

"If I . . . If I find the Luna, what do you want me to do?"

"Don't worry, you'll know when the time comes, I'll make sure of that."

I was lifted by my arms and as they started through the woods in a direction far away from the pack lands, when a sudden desperation caused me to dig my heels into the leaf covered earth.

"I'll do whatever you say, Jason, but I want you to leave my brother alone . . . let him find happiness with his mate."

"Are you stupid or something . . . you dissapeared from the packhouse and you're covered in not only my scent, but the scent of several strange wolves and you think you have enough leverage to bargain with me?"

"Please let him go. He deserves happiness."

"You still don't get it, do you? I don't care about his happiness! I don't care if he's miserable as long as he completely submits himself to me!"

"If I'm going to die anyway then I'll tell Kyle where you're hiding so he can track you down and crush you!"

Jason laughed maniacally and a shiver went down my spine.

"By the time we get finished with you, you won't remember your own name, let alone be able to tell anyone what I'm up to."

I heard him move away from me and in a voice just loud enough for me to hear, he announced to someone directly behind me:

I Moved On, Why Don't YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora