Chapter twenty seven: Twist of Fate

Start from the beginning

They then carefully set her down on on a seat in front of the ultra deluxe make up kit and quickly got to work on her face. Through layers of blush, primer, shadowing, liner, lipstick and lashes, they got the most perfect look for Melinda.

When she opened her eyes, she saw glistening gold eyeshadow on her eyelids, a perfectly toned face that made her ebony hazel eyes seem to glow, liquid gold lips that faded to a darker shade as it reached the outside, and long black lined eyelashes that could touch her glittered trimmed eyebrows.

They removed the glove and got to work on her nails with them turned out to complicated process that made them had detailed sparkling silver butterflies fluttering on a pure sparkling gold canvas, but on the ring finger, the nail was a glittering silver and three gold different sized rings lie atop. She enjoyed flashing the gloss covering layer into the light because different light angles on the butterflies made them appear to flap their wings.

Then it was onto the hair. The sprayed it with a chemical that dampened it so they could wash a condition without any water running off while the shampoo and conditioner were designed to disintegrate to avoid having to run water through it. A couple sprays later and careful yet rough hands running through her hair, the masterpiece was finished.

The super curled brown hair hung in massive loops along the front while the rest of the hair was put up into a very layered and complicated bun that packed with so much hair that it nearly seemed to make a second head that was designed like a petaled rose. It was glittered and ready to go.

Though Melinda already pulled off looking like a dream in a human form, she was finally ready for her favorite part: the jewelry.

Of a vast selection, she choose three yellow diamond studded rings of different shades and designs and a glittery gold spiral ring that lead up to the top joint of her thumb. She then picked out a thick gold-chain bracelet that was decorated with small diamond stones throughout.

Of the many necklaces lining the top bar of jewelry, the one near the left end jumped out at her. She picked it up and the women fit it around her neck and she was dazzled at the effect it had on the entire getup.

It was made up of a series of golden half diamonds that started at both ends and got bigger as they created a whole one in the center that was the biggest of all and was the most decorated. Each stone sat of a silver platter of rows of white and yellow diamonds. Even the silver chain that held up the necklace was packed with golden beads and white diamonds

"I see you're accustomed to the yellow sapphire," the woman nodded. "I believe the matching earrings are over this way."

Aside from a little extra jewelry here and there, she was ready to head off to the Winston Ball that she was already running a little late to.

The three women pulled away the deluxe beauty salon station away from the wall mirror since it was on wheels and Melinda clapped her hands twice. The mirror wall slip up into different sections around her and positioned themselves so that Melinda could see every angle of herself.

Just as she thought the look couldn't get any better, the women came up behind her with a huge, gold and fuzzy scarf. She gave a few poses and the women gave her a small applause after dressing her up like their own, personal toy doll, a very, very expensive one at that.

"Bring me my limo."


By the orders of Eric, Joana was forced to get a night's rest at home and sat in her couch, kicking back and sipping a small glass of cheap wine...while studying the schematics of the stabilizers final design process and the job they were supposed to preform. The wine was even diluted with an energy drink to make she doesn't get hammered a second before she chooses to.

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