"What?" Prone asked with a sad tone, "It's dead? Everyone there is dead?"

"Yeah, at least I think so, when I was there I didn't see anyone else except for a bunch of Xenomorphs." I stared back at the lake to see if Xaez was there.

'Please be okay Xaez'

"Xenomorphs," Prone repeated, "You know what they're called? It was supposed to be classified. Shit."

"Yeah, I over heard a marine." I looked down at my holster and picked up my pistols and held them tightly.

Prone noticed and stared into my face, "I'm not going to hurt you and to answer your other question, I was out of a scouting mission when my squad was attacked by Xenomorphs, they all died and I'm the last one left, I knew there was a city near here so I decided it would probably be the safest place to go."

"Well you're wrong." I lifted the pistols and aimed them at him, I began to shake. "If you make one wrong move I will shoot you."

That's when the Marine seemed to relax, and grinned at me, "You don't even know how to fire those, do you?"

I didn't reply, I just held the pistols.

We stood and watched each other, then Prone lunged at me and knocked the pistols out of my hands.

I was about to scream but he covered my mouth. "Shhh It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you, please calm down."

He sat down and I sat down next to him. "I'm a marine, I'm supposed to protect civilians." I sat there listening to him. " I can teach you how to use those pistols, and I can take you to a safer place, why were you in that lake anyway? It could not be very safe there."

'Don't mention Xaez, he'll try to kill him for sure' I growled a bit, "It's water, I bet I can swim faster than I can run." I looked up at Prone. He had green eyes, brown hair, and scruff. " Where is safer?"

"There is a base set up a few miles from here, I can take you there, you can be safe." He smiled.

I smiled back at him, he wasn't to bad, "Okay, but I'll only go if you teach me how to use those." I pointed to the pistols.

"Alright," He got up and grabbed my pistols. "You'll need to use these anyway, Xenomorphs aren't easy when you fight them up close so having a gun makes it a bit easier." He examined the pistols, "Yep these are p226's."

I stood up, "Are they good?" I asked.

"Yep," He pointed to the magazine, "It holds 12 to 13 bullets. It's also Semi-automatic so you fire one bullet everytime you pull the trigger." He handed the pistols to me.

I looked down at the pistols and aimed them at a tree, "So I just pull the trigger?"

"No, you have to turn the safety off first." He pointed to it.

I turned off the safety. "How much bullets do you think are in this magazine?" I asked him.

"They're probably fully loaded, fire at that tree, the kick back might hurt your wrist but you'll get used to it." He stepped back as I aimed the pistols. "Go on, empty the clips."

"Wait, should I only use one?" I asked looking at him.

He nodded. I handed one of the pistols to him and steadied the other. I stared down the barrel and fired the weapon. A few bullets bounced off of the tree but most missed. I grumbled with disapproval.

"Hold your breath, it gives you more accuracy." Prone said.

I did as told and steadied the weapon again. I emptied the clip into the tree, this time I hit it more but some bullets still missed it. I sighed and turned around to look at Prone.

"Not bad, but not the best either." He smiled, "Take off that clip and put in a new magazine."

I looked past Prone just for a second, in the distance I could see Xaez jump out of the lake and leap into the forest. I smiled knowing that he was safe and looked down at the pistol. "This thing release's the magazine right?"

"Yes, how did you know?"

"I like video games." I smiled up at him and reloaded the pistol.

"Keep doing that, see how fast you can unload and reload, the p226."

I tried at least ten times until I got to unload it and reload it in three seconds.

Prone put his hand on my shoulder, "Great now you know how to fire and reload the pistol, now I'll have to show you how to get it unjammed if that ever happens but at the moment I think we should get somwhere more safe," I holstered the pistols and he continued, "The shots will most likely attract Xenomorphs, and I don't really feel like messing with any of them."

'Great... so I have to head to a marine base with this guy but what about Xaez?' I stared back at the forest "Okay, you lead the way." As Prone began to walk I followed behind him, not taking my eyes off the forest just in case I saw Xaez.

Xaez popped up on the top of a tree but he kept himself hidden. I grinned at him and waved. I could hear Xaez hiss a bit.

'Maybe he'll just follow us and I don't have to worry about him getting killed, yeah, he'll just follow, he's good like that.'

Prone and I walked silently on the road, not knowing what lies ahead of us.

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