Chapter Fifteen

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I knew at once that I was in a dreamscape, having a lucid dream. In this dream, I was in a poorly lit room. From the slight claustrophobic feeling I was having, I knew I was underground. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I could make out four figures; three were asleep and one waited for me to draw close before stepping forward. It was Jacqueline.

Her usually impeccable appearance was riddled with cuts and bruises. She takes a step further and I surprise us both by wrapping my arms around her.
"You're safe, I knew you'd be. Are they safe?" She whispers, I nod.
"What happened" I ask and she gestures to the figures behind her. It's mum, Gerry and Bass. I sigh in relief.
"Larry Sanchez took me captive. Somehow he has defeated the California Council for Blendeds. I hear he tried to convince them to revive the old ways but they refused so he killed most of them. The ones that escaped have gone into hiding. He somehow convinced Blendeds, and some Changelings, to join his army, promising to bring peace, corporation and unity."
"What has this got to do with us"
"They're attacking the strong families. One of the people that attacked your house was an owl shifter. He saw Cameron..."
"So they know what he is"
"They don't know about you, but yes. He's become the number one threat, so has anyone associated with him. We're hiding in a converted cellar, one of Bass's safe houses. When we can, we will find you. Promise to remain hiding"
"Jacqueline we can..." My tirade was suddenly cut off as I am forcefully yanked out of Jacqueline's dreamscape.

Initially, I think I have woken up, that that's why the dream ended. But as I look around the luxuriously decorated living room, I'm confused. I'm sitting in a very comfortable armchair and facing a boy who was smoking a fat cigar.
"Ah, there you are." He says and waves his cigar. "I've been trying to reach you for years"

I can't see his face and I lean towards him. I briefly make out a smile before he snaps his fingers and his face is flooded with light. I let out an involuntary gasp and lean back in fright. The boy before me is a complete image of me; my dark features, long limbs packed with muscles, full lips and stubborn chin, high cheekbones and aristocratic nose.
"You look just like me son" he says in a stage whisper. "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree eh?"
"Who are you" I ask. Even though I knew the answer, I refused to believe it.
"Oh come on" he replied, dropping the cigar and gliding towards me. "I've been trying to get to you ever since I knew you existed. Imagine my surprise when not only can I not enter your dreams, I can't find you at all! Some strong blood magic must have hidden you from me.
"But now I can reach your dreams. I still can't find you but that won't take long now" he smiles suddenly, leaning over to sniff my hair. "Ah, incubus. That's your preferred strength? I like it, taking without giving"

Even though his words unsettle me, I'm more unsettled by his appearance. I expected him to look different, more sinister. He looks like me, a very debonair version of me. Not only is he young and living in a tush apartment, he's healthy and seems so...normal.
"So you're Roarke Parker" I say with all the bravado I can muster.
"Call me dad" he says, flashing a charming smile. His dentition is perfect, I'd hoped to find a physical flaw.
"My father is dead" I say bitterly
"Oh I'm very much alive. Tell me son, how did it feel? Your first kill. I wish I was there to talk you through it. But no matter, just tell me where you are and I will be there within a blink"
"How do you know I killed someone" I ask, stumped. He roars in mirth and eyes me with wet eyes.
"The only reason I can enter your dream now is because you crossed a line, took a life" he smiled fondly. "I remember my first kill..." he trails off and I gag at the maniac look on his face.
"You are sick" I say
"Am I? So where are you? Why did you choose to be an incubus?"

He starts to pace. I start chanting in my head
"Wake up, wake up, wake up" I scream silently. When it didn't work, I try Cameron. "Cameron wake me up! Cam, Cameron wake me up!"
"Who's Cameron, your girlfriend?" He asks, wagging his brows in a creepy way. "You can't wake up yet. I need to know where you are so I can find you. I've missed out on so much of your life, I don't want to miss out on the rest"
"I have enough people gunning for me, I don't need you on the list. You already tried to kill me once, I won't give you a chance to succeed" I say stubbornly, knowing he's trying to trick me into revealing my hiding place.
"Keep your little secret then. When you start craving to kill, I'll find you" he says angrily. "However, no one kills what's mine. You said someone was hunting you, I suggest you hunt back, fast. If you are killed, I will level this world in anger. You're mine" he says vehemently.

I can see he is mad. Behind his physical perfection is madness. He continues to pace, pausing from time to time to examine me, as if he's trying to commit me to memory.
"Son, I will find you and when I do, no one better stand in my way" he says, matter of fact. I'm angry and I get up and grab him.
"I don't know if you think this is a game. But I assure you, if you find me, you'll also find a sword in your rotten heart. I will kill you, slowly, you sick bastard" I scream unto his face.
"Those words make me prouder than you can imagine" he smiles, not rattled by my threat. "I'm glad to know you're not a weakling." He paused and listens "Someone is trying to wake you. I'll let you go now. But before I do, here's a gift, from father to son. I took it from the oldest succubus when I killed her."

He leaned forward and kisses my lips. I try to jerk back but he holds me steady and I'm powerless. Suddenly, his tongue slips into my mouth and I feel something cold slither from his mouth into mine. The cold feeling travels through my system and settles in the pit of my stomach. Warmth, like a thousand suns suddenly spread throughout my body and gasp. He shoves me away from him.
"She could convert pleasure to pain, and pain to pleasure. Now I have gifted you with this ability, one of the new ones I acquired. Use it wisely and remember me. Goodbye son, see you soon!" He waves cheerful and I suddenly snap awake.

 Deviant (Blendling Trilogy  #1)Where stories live. Discover now