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"Done.. finally!" I breathed as I hit the submit button. I read the message on the screen: YOUR RESUME HAS BEEN SUBMITTED FOR ARCHIVES. JOBS CANNOT BE PROMISED. YOU WILL RECEIVE NOTIFICATION OF JOB ACCEPTANCE. I was desperate for a job, 18 and almost graduating from High School, I needed a way to get money, so I could get a house for me and my girl, Jessica. The possibilities swirled in my mind..

"Brad?" My mom called from downstairs, "Time for school! It's the last week! God I can't wait until I don't have to get up so early to wake you!" "Ok Mom!" I call back. I looked at the monitor one last time and read the message. I didn't know what I might get, nor did I much care. I was already set to go to school, I got up early to finish my resume. I had no choice but to go to school and see what happened when I get home.

I met Jessica in the commons of our school, Ravenholst Senior High School. After a quick kiss, she asked me, "So, did you submit your resume? I know you stayed up till 3 to get it done." I smile as I reply, "Yes, I woke up early and finished it off this morning." We walk on to class.

[8 hours later]

"So, you sent in your resume?" My friend Aaron asked, as we sat on his steps. I look up at my friend and smile. 21 years old, about to leave back for Afghanistan for some mission, he couldn't tell me, and he was worrying about my life. "Yeah, I think it turned out good!" He laughed. "So.. Aaron, when do you get shipped back?" He got a saddened look on his face. "Tomorrow.. but I'll be back in one year when my next leave can be taken." My phone beeped, text from mom saying come home. l hugged Aaron, he was like my brother, and I swore to him that if something happened to him, I would enlist, and personally kill every terrorist in the world. He just smiled and said, "Go home kid, I'll see you soon."

It was the same routine everyday, no difference. Except for today. A black van with D.C. plates parked in my driveway was not per usual for me. I walk in, my moms at the top of the stairs leading to the living room, looking shocked and confused. "Brad, two men are here.. they have a job offer.." My surprise was evident on my face. My resume was only out for.. 8 hours? Usually it takes months, YEARS even for a job offer to come up. I walk up the stairs and into the kitchen. The two men have Jet Black tuxedos and black slacks. Shades that hid their eyes and ear-pieces to top it off. One of them stood as I approached them, "Hello.. Bradley Cooper is it?" He reaches out to shake my hand. I accept the shake and reply, "Yes sir, how may I help you two today?" He sits down again, and I take a seat as well. I notice the other man, bald and steel-faced, hasn't moved an inch. "So, Bradley, my name is Sanders. This is Jason." He says, gesturing to the other, unmovable man. "We have a job offering for you." "I have to say, Mr. Sanders, I find it hard to believe you, I put out my resume about 9 hours ago. How could you pick me up so fast?" I ask, genuinely concerned. "Well, we have a team constantly on the search for candidates for this specific job, of highly prestigious ranking." Sanders replies. "I believe Jason will begin now."

"Bradley Cooper, age 18, son of Alice Cooper and Benjamin Cooper. Near Graduate of Ravenholst Senior High School. Am I right so far?" Jason began suddenly. "Yes sir." I reply quickly, not wanting to interrupt him. "Your resume says you take AP classes for all subjects, you were quarterback for your schools football team, apparently an all star player. On the money still?" He asks again. I reply with a nod. "Enough beating around the bush, here's the important one, why we're really here. We have Intel saying you received special ops training from your friend Aaron Jensen, age 21, on his leave from classified locations across the middle east. This training was forbidden to you, but he gave it to you anyway, against direct orders-" Sanders chuckled and muttered a slew of curses to Aaron. "-causing a huge demotion to his name and rank. Is this so?" My face grew cold, and feeling escaped from me. I can only nod slightly. That training was awful, sleepless, sore nights, but it built me, made me stronger, faster, and apparently hotter, according to Jessica. Suddenly I had a question, "So what is this job?" Jason smirked as he reached into a secret compartment in his tux, pulling a file out and sliding it across the table. My fingers clutched the paper.

[6 hours later]

I ring the doorbell, my mind swirling. If what the paper said was true.. Aaron answered the door, "Brad? What're you doing here so late? You need to be at home. It's 9 o'clock!" "I know, but I need to talk to you, it's about my new job." I reply. His face was nothing less than stunned. "A job?! Already?! Come in!" He motioned violently for me to enter. I do, stiff, my heart and mind trying to leave, screaming at me to stop, saying the papers were lying, but a bigger force was pulling me. Jessica was too important.. "Sit down! Tell me everything!" Aaron was ecstatic. I remained stiff, calmly refusing. He shrugged and took his own seat. "So, Mr. Cooper, what's this job?" I drop a tear, and breathe the words "I'm sorry" as I pull out my newly acquired pistol.. a M1911. I cock it and swerve my sights to his head. He had no time to react.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2011 ⏰

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