Chapter 4 † You're so s o u l f u l l

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y o u ' r e   s o   s o u l f u l l

I gazed blankly out the airplane as the . flight pilot informed us that we were about to take off. I felt Mariah's tight grip on my arm increase in pressure, nearly cutting off my circulation. Shooting her a glare, she returned it with a much more sheepish one.

I felt her jump as the plane started moving, getting ready to take off. She groaned loudly, her eyelids closing as she tried to ignore the jerking of the jet. I felt my stomach drop as the front of the plane began to tilt upwards. Mariah's reaction was much more dramatic though; she gasped and started chanting barely above a whisper.

“I'm gonna puke, I'm gonna puke, I'm gonna puke..." Her face started paling and I squeezed her hand.

“Shhh....Mariah; it's going to be okay, I promise." I tried to relax her by rubbing soothing circles in the back of her hand.

“I hate planes..." She ground out and I couldn't help but laugh.

I felt my ears start to pop and my face scrunched up with the uncomfortable feeling. Mariah's hands clenched around mine and she groaned in pain. She couldn't wait for this to be over, I could tell.

I felt her nails lengthen and dig into my palm, shocking me into recoiling my hand away from hers. Examining my hand, I watched as blood began to trickle down my palm towards my wrist. I slapped her hand with my good one and began to trail my tongue along the line of blood on my hand, soaking it up into my mouth.

I glanced over to see if anybody had seen what I had done; a boy around eight was staring at me, his eye brows pulled up almost to his hairline.

I smirked, showing my lengthened teeth. He gasped and shot back into his seat, his face turning pale. I chuckled, but someone clearing their throat really loud caught my attention. Looking up, I locked eyes with my frowning father across the isle. I sent him a wink and watched his body shake with silent laughter. Still smirking, I sat back against the seat and sighed; maybe Italy wasn't going to be so bad.


Grabbing my suitcase, from the bag pickup, I made my way towards the half of my pack that was here.

My mother and father decided to take two desperate flights, each with half of the pack; it was to limit suspicion of too many people flying to one place at once.

But seriously, we were already suspicion gathering around in a group of around twenty-five to thirty people. I could see people giving us a wide berth, some mothers clutching their children tighter.

A little girl with blue eyes and bouncing strawberry-blond pigtails came running towards me, flinging herself in my arms. I was jostled by the sudden movement and stumbled backwards into my dad's hard back.

“Leto," I said warmly, my voice dripping with a motherly tone. “How are you my princess?" I lifted her higher and twirled her around.

“Tired!" She shouted, making me smile. Her mother obviously gave her too many juiceboxes on the plane.

“Really? You don't seem tired." I smirked and pinched her cheek, making her giggle.

“Leto! Leto, come back here!"

I turned to see Helia racing over to us with a lanky teenager named Darwyn trailing behind with three suitcases stuffed in his arms. I watched as if in slow motion, Darwyn tripped; spilling the suitcases on the ground with a series of 'thumps'. He tripped again over his own large feet and fell across the hard suitcases with a loud yelp.

The girl who cried werewolf!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ