Let me show you what I really am...

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Well, I've been trying to practice my writing skills and also produce fair enough stories at the same time.

This isn't always possible so lately I've been just popping some stories out and trying to create some fun ‘ideas' and such while honing my writing abilities.

This story is a starter story for me, a story I'll actually complete.


 j u s t   a   g u i d e

First thing's first: I am not an oversized dog. 

Okay, now that we've got that cleared up, I'd like to tell you some facts to set somethings about me straight.

Firstly, we don't merely "shift" into a wolf. It hurts like hell and feels like someone is slowly scraping away your flesh with a steel-wool brush. It's not very pleasant to say the least.

It involves a lot of popping bones, cracking spines, and elongating limbs. It's a very brutal process in which we try to forget. The longer you hold off your change, the more painful it will be when you next change.

Secondly, we are NOT overgrown wolves. Totally different. Our bodies shed our human skin, fur sprouts from the pores and shreds our soft human flesh, leaving more durable fur in it's place. We stand upright, although our spine is curved so that our front paws can reach the ground when we run on all fours.

Our snouts are long and filled with teeth, our eyes sockets are placed further forwards on our face but are further apart from each other. Ears are pointed and much like an undomesticated grey wolf's, although almost twice as large.

Thirdly, in a pack, there is a hierarchy that is decided once every Alpha dies. By strength, they choose the next ruling Alpha and second in command to lead the pack. We have ‘the challenge' once every thirty years to test the strength of the living Alpha. Every male above the age of 18 is allowed to participate in it for the chance to compete against the Alpha until death.

Fouthly, what the fuck is with the terms "Luna" and "Moon Goddess", what a load of shit. There are legends of course, and rules we still follow. But Luna? What the fuck are people thinking,  there isn't someone called a "Luna" in a pack. They're called Head bitch because they're THE head bitch and most of the time they're mated to the Leader of the pack. Also, I think people are referring to Artemis, the goddess of the hunt. She's not our fucking magestic leader in anyway, she's a shrewd old ass that cursed a band of males that turned one of her precious "Huntresses" into what they really were, women that wanted men. Badly.  Artemis got into a foul fit of rage and cursed them into men that would change into horrible beasts when Her moon was full and high in the sky. Then some man pleased her in some way by doing something nice or whatever, and she began to regret turning some of them into horrible monsters. So she felt generous and gave a few of them a gift, bestowed upon them by the moon. They would be able to change at will, chose a woman, and she decided to change their form to the same forms of the beasts she kept at her side for her Hunt. Wolves. She ain't no Moon Goddess, she's just Artemis. And we thank her yet curse her at the same time. On the full moon we howl to thank her, and then when we reproduce we curse her by mating.

Fifthly, there are no ‘instant soul mates'. We mate for life, but there is no ‘instant connection' between us.

Each of us gets about 10 ideal mates. They are the mates you share the most compatible connection with.

Then there is your average run of the second blood mates. You like, you pick. Pretty simple.

But there are the rarest form of mates. Identical mates. They are the ultimate kind of mates. Only a select few have these mates, and they only have two each. Two females and a male or two males and a female.

That's what the head of the council is. The select few with identical mates are highly respected and worshiped. It goes back to the time where Kanaia, Maloi, and Santio where the rulers of three very different, very powerful kingdoms.

They were born as sworn enemies and had never seen each other in person until the Galingwood war. The war between the three countries. They fought viciously and brutally for the first five minutes, until they all saw each other for the first time.

In short, they were identical mates and they saved a lot of people from a grueling death ans ended up bringing all the countries together to form Pangea; named after the super continent (A/N: When all the continents were together).

Females go into a monthly mating session referred to as ‘heat'. It's an awful time when we go into an awful state of pain after meeting our mates and performing the scarring, we got into an insatiable sex mode and produce a really strong sex pheromone.  It supposedly feels like steel wire grating the inside of your uterus.

For that week, a male will keep his mate indoors to reduce the chance of other unmated males mating her. Male's are very possessive creatures, almost to a fault. They'll lay down their lives to protect their mate; talk about commitment. Although we have no absolute soul mates, we do have a mating ritual that bonds us to the other. It's called ‘Koinoniaima'.

(A/N: Koinoniaima is derived from the Greek words Koinonia; which means sharing; and Aima, which means blood.)

There is a special gland on our neck that contains a pocket full of blood that flows freely when punctured. When both are popped, we exchange blood by rubbing them together.

That is how I got stuck with the most egotistic, cockiest, most smug werewolf on the face of the earth.

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