Day 16/take cover

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PLAY MUSIC:(song is Hurricane)
It was raining on the 16th day. The winds were strong and pushing over things. I had one of the smart ones see if a Storm was coming and then we found out that Hurricane Katrina was coming.(Author's note: i used the song Hurricane to give you gives a hint about what this part was going to be about!) We started to put wood on the windows outside and put food in the safe room. After all of that was done and everyone was inside. We covered the door with wood and moved the younger kids to the safe area first. Then it started to rain hard. When everyone was in the safe area. We stayed with the younger kids. I turned on a flashlight. We gave everyone blankets and we sat on the ground and waited for the storm to end. I fell asleep because i was very warm. When i woke up. We all came out of the safe room and went outside. The wall was still standing and the house was find but we lost power and that means we lost all connection to all of the video cams and we will not know if there is a kid we need to save. So we had to try to fix the power. "How much longer?" "i don't know miss. Everything is okay up here i think it is the towers!" "okay thank you. Okay everyone me and some over kids will go to the tower and see what is going on. Christopher you are in charge." "Yes sister!" "okay lets head out." On the way there we saw so many trees that fell. When we got to the tower. We suit up and started to climb. 2 hours later.......
"Okay that should do it." *uses walkie talkie* "Is the power on?" "Yes miss !" "Okay guys lets come down now and head home!" When we were on our way home i got a call. "Miss we have a kid at the Mall. Leg is stuck under something." "Okay we are on our way! Guys mall now!" "yes miss!" when we got there. There was more than one kid. There was 2! "Help plz my friend's leg it is hurt!" "Okay it will be okay." we picked up the thing that was on the kids leg and then i saw blood. "Oh my god. Get the aid kit now!!" we got the kids in the car and raced home. I ran the kid that was bleeding to the aid room. "Let me see your leg. " i fixed up his leg and helped him to the meal room. Gave the new kids food and put them to bed. There names and Katie and max, age is 6 and 7. When everyone was asleep i sat by the window and started to cry. Thinking how close we were not able to help Max. "Are you okay miss?" "Yes i am okay. Just thinking!" "Okay miss good night!" "Night!" TO BE CONTINUED........
(Hey guys so i have some news. First thing sorry i have not been writing a lot. 2nd thing where i live school is about to start. And that is it. Hope you liked this part of World without parent's and bye)

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