Day 10

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Play music:The tenth day is the day is when we give some of the kids jobs for the base. I walked up to the stand and said "Hello everyone. Today is the tenth day and job day! So we have 5 kids ready to get jobs to help us at base. Here they are Johnny, Taylor, Cassie, Carson, and the last one is Jack. Pick from the bag and read it so everyone can hear you. Johnny you are first!" "I got guard!" "That is a good one Johnny you get to guard the base when i am goon looking for supplies and kids! Taylor you are next!" "i got little kids care." "That is a important job because we need to protect them. Cassie you are next!" "i got supply finder. I get to come with you to find supplies!" "Good. Carson you are next!" "I got food maker." "good that is a important one too! Last but not least Jack it is your turn!" "I got researcher. I get to use the camera's and look for kids!" "good and now you 5 have to promise me that will do your jobs the right way and not bring me down." "we promise!" "Good!" *gets call* "yes this is Donna, a kid, at the gas station, on my way! Well good luck everyone! Supply searcher/kid finders lets go!" and we were on our way to find the kid. Later that night the kid's name was Kelly. She said she was hiding from a parent that tried to get her but she ran. She said on the first day this happened. She said that she saw the sky was blue and then her parents went crazy! I told her to go get some food. I was thinking about what just happened.
"Sorry master but we lost her!"
"YOU LOST HER. I AM GOING TO FIND EVERY LAST KID AND......." "MASTER! We have something!" "well what is it?" "The kids are no where to be found!" "well we will find them tomorrow!"
Hmmmm? What does the Master want from us? And who us he? The 2 Questions in my head. "Donna it is time to eat. Are you okay?" "ya i am okay. I just miss mom and dad." "it is okay but it is time to eat." "OK lets go!" To be continued........

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