Chapter 12 [Baby's Here]

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General POV:
Judy was nine months pregnant now and she felt like the baby will come soon. When Judy and Nick were watching TV, Judy went to the bathroom and her water broke. Judy called Nick.


Nick:"What happened Carrots?"

Judy:"The baby's coming!"

Nick: "What!?!"

Judy:"We need to go to the hospital now"

They left to the hospital. They got to the hospital and got a room for Judy. Judy and Nick were in there for a while then the baby was coming now.



Doctor:"One more push"

Nick:"Come on Judy you could do it"


The baby came out. The doctor cleaned him and wrapped him up. She gave him to Judy and Judy was crying.(she was happy).

Judy:"He's so beautiful"

Nick,:"He is"

He opened his eyes and he had Judy's eyes. Judy gave him a kiss on the forehead.

Judy:"Our little baby"

Nick:"I'm proud of you Judy"

3 days later

Judy and Nick were going to go home with the baby. They got home and the baby was asleep.

Judy:"I'm going to put him in the crib"


She put him in the crib and went on the couch with Nick.

Judy:"Do you think he'll be our only child?"

Nick:"Maybe unless you want another one soon?"

Judy:"Probably in a couple of years"

End of that Chapter. I'll see you in the next chapter! Bye!!!!

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