"You should."

I kept my eyes on my sketches but I felt him looking at me from the side of his eyes. Ignoring it, I continued to turn the pages when suddenly he put his hand over mine, turning the page with me.

"Can you not do that," I asked quietly as I squeezed my eyes shut for a bit.

"Do what," he whispered.

"That. Just because we're alone, you start, I don't know, gettin' all flirty."

"I can't help it."

I took a deep breath and quickly put the notebook away, turning off the desk lamp. This house tour was over.

"Wait," he said.

I made the mistake of looking him in the eyes. That was a sure trap.

He subtly shook his head, his eyes wandering down my nose and to my lips. "Why are you with him?"

"Why not?"

"That's not the right answer. Do you even have a real answer?"

He moved closer to me, planting his hands on the desk behind me.

"Because we like each other, okay?" I blurted out. "He cares about me and I care about him."

"Do you love him?"


"You had to think about it?" He smirked. "Tell me somethin' else though."


"Why haven't you pushed me away yet?"


"Because? ...Maybe that's not really what you want?" His lips lingered in front of mine but he went for my neck, nuzzling and kissing it. "Tell me I'm wrong."

"Of course I...w-want you to back away. This is dumb with the...questions." I was whimpering by now. He had me craving him like before and I knew it would only fill me with regret later if I let this continue. But that was the way he was, having me want to live in the moment just like he always does.

"Tell me when you want me to stop." He unbuttoned my jeans & dug his hand beneath my panties. "...'cause I'ma keep goin'."

"S-- St--"

I couldn't say it. My body was surrendering to him one slow rub at a time. He nibbled on my ear, kissed along my jaw, my leg automatically lifted and wrapped around the back of his legs.

"Lux?" I heard my mom call out from downstairs.

Then and only then was when I finally pushed him off.

"Yeah mom?" I shouted back, trying to catch my breath.

"I made some lemon bars last night if you two want any!"

"Okay we'll be down in a bit." I quickly fixed my clothes, shaking my head at Nate.

Nate groaned and laid down on my bed. "I don't think I can go downstairs yet," he chuckled.

"You need to stop," I warned him. "We need to stop. We agreed to be professional yet we keep having these moments. I don't know why we keep letting this happen."

"Because you overthink everything." He propped up on his elbows to look at me. "And you're beautiful. Like I said, I can't help it."

I scoffed. "You know what? Don't even. You're Skate. The only thing you consider beautiful is weed. Every girl in your life is just whatever; they come, they go. You never settle and you never will, at least not anytime soon. So don't give me that line."

Like Gold // Nate MaloleyWhere stories live. Discover now