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(A/N this part will be written in the third person and then after this it will be in either Josh's or Tyler's p.o.v but most likely Josh)

As Josh walks outside with his telescope in hand he can feel butterflies in his stomach. He gets this feeling every night. He runs down the lawn with the same sentence playing over and over in his head.

Maybe tonight you'll see a real life alien!

Josh pushes the hair away from his face as he begins to run to his usual spot in his backyard. He loves space. It's his passion to learn about space. It's the one thing he likes to do. Well other then drumming. And eating of course. Okay, okay, it's one of the few things he likes to do.

So Josh places the telescope on the grass and points it towards the sky. He brings his eye to the looking glass.

Like every time he does this, he gasps. The universe we live in never fails to fascinate Josh.

The bright stars, each one having a different personality, a different story.

Stars reminded Josh of people.

Except Josh liked stars better.

They don't leave him behind like people often do.

Josh wishes he could be a star sometimes. Live for millions of years. Glowing. People looking up to you and making wishes.

So when Josh see's stars he can't help but be happy.

He looks to the left and can see the moon. It's pale white surface with craters all over it. He wants to go to the moon. But he doesn't think he could go through the space training without puking a whole bunch of times.

He looks to the right and can just slightly see Mars. A red circle in the sky. Josh really wants to dye his hair red. And blue. And maybe pink! No pink is girly, Josh would never do that, His dad would kill him. Now that he thinks about it, his dad would kill him if he knew that Josh was out this late on a school night. He is supposed to be getting rest for stupid football practice tomorrow.

Josh hates foot ball.

But he is only ten years old so it's not like he can tell his dad he doesn't care about sports, he cares about space.

That's when Josh hears a noise in the sky. It shocks him at first but then he looks around with his telescope but it just goes black. He takes his eye away from it and looks up. When he sees what's in the sky his mouth falls open.

A giant flying saucer. Right over his head. A real life UFO.

It's a round flying saucer with lights shine on the bottom. It's giant, about the size of Josh's school!

"Oh my god." Josh whispers to himself. He can hardly breathe, much less talk. He snaps himself out of his daze and runs in the direction of the UFO. He doesn't care how dark the woods are. He doesn't care that it's late. He needs to see an Alien. So he runs faster then he has at any football game to catch it. His legs ache but he keeps running.

So when the space ship comes to stop, Josh nearly falls over trying to stop himself. He sees a large beam of light come down no more then two feet away from him. Josh runs away and hides behind a large oak tree but peaks around the edge. That's when he sees two people... No, aliens suddenly appear from the beam.

Josh always thought aliens were these green dudes with huge heads and black eyes.

But they look like humans. Well apart from their glowing icey blue eyes. They don't glow as in they're bright no, they glow like if one of them were to look at something, their eyes would be like flashlights, they actually put off a glow. They also seem to have little spots on their skin, not spots, markings that glow as well. One of the two aliens is a man that looks about the same age as Josh's dad. The other one is a boy like Josh maybe a little older. When the boy turns his head he faces where Josh is and that causes Josh to hide again and old his breathe.

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