Semen Covered Popcorn

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This entire story is going to have random sex scenes and stuff, so yeah... I wish I could be Jerry!!!!!!!!

Four boys sat around in the kitchen of their three room apartment.

"What am I doing with my life?" Mike asked to no one in particular as he flexed his muscles and yawned.

"I dunno, but you should be doing me," replied Sean with a shitty smirk. Mike slapped him across the face, and Sean's immediate reaction was to tease him. This is like an every day routine for the two.

"Can't you two love birds shut the hell up," Layne groaned. Mike's cheeks heated up at the man's choice of words.

Jerry came back in the picture with a glass of sweet tea in his hands. He took a seat on Layne's lap and played with his greasy hair. "Everyone's so cranky this morning," Jer concluded, sipping his drink. Mike rolled his eyes and replied sassily, "That's pretty fucking obvious."

Sean grinned and said, "Fiery, just the way I like 'em." This earned him another slap across the face, the third one that morning.

"Ya know, you two would make a cute couple," Jerry said with his eyes closed, resting his head on Layne's chest. "True, true," the lead singer agreed. His hands brushed through the long blonde locks of his lover soothingly.

"What should their nickname be?" Layne wondered aloud. Now, Mike wasn't the only one fuming. Sean glared daggers into the two men.

"Something like... Stinney?"

"Where'd you come up with that?" Sean snapped at Jerry, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion and annoyance.

"Well, I can't think of anything for y'alls first names, so I put your last names together," he explained.

"That won't work when we get married," Sean said, instantly clamping his hand over his mouth out of sheer regret. Everyone was staring at him with wide eyes, especially Mike, who was more confused than the other two boys. Him and Sean had only been together for six months tops!

"What do you mean by that? You two are getting married?" Jerry asked with a look of admiration. Mike, once again, rolled his eyes. Today really wasn't his day.

"No way," Sean said with a nervous chuckle. "I don't wanna be tied down to anyone." Layne raised his eyebrows, and Mike grunted, hopping off the counter he sat on next to Sean on and left the room.

• • •

Mike lay on the bed he shared with his boyfriend, alone with his own mind. How dare that jerk! the curly haired man thought. How dare he not want to marry a queen like me! He was angry at his lover. More than that, actually. He was pissed.

He was already feeling tired from the day, and it wasn't even noon. Mike could feel something crawling on his face as he was only half asleep, so he peeled his eyelids open. He screamed at what he saw.

"You fucking demon! Get off me! Get off! Get off, damn it!" the man shrieked, running down the hallway as he tried to get the spider off his face.

He bumped into Jerry who asked, "Why are you being so loud?" Mike pointed to his face, and Jerry started screaming, too. The both of them were sure the neighbors could hear them clear from down the street, but they didn't give two fucks.

"Babe!" Sean yelled, sprinting down the hallway. Mike was still waving his hands in front of his face, too scared to touch the little devil by this point. The drummer picked up the spider and threw it to the ground, stomping on every limb it had until it was nothing but a puddle of black mush and guts under his shoe.

"Die, Satan, die!" Mike shouted at it as Sean continued to grind it's insides into the ground.

"My hero," announced Mike, putting his arms around Sean's neck and let him scoop him up in his arms bridal style. The boys kissed as Jerry watched with grumpy facial features.

"Why don't you love me like that!" he yelled at Layne who had just came to check on Jer. Tears ran down the southern accented boy's cheeks as he kicked Layne in the nuts. His knees buckled as he held his balls and Jerry continued to cry out in jealousy, "Why can't we be like that, huh?!"

"My fucking sack," Layne groaned, holding his crotch. "Someone go get me some ice!" And Jer did, sprinting into the kitchen to grab some.

"Take of your pants so I can inspect your balls," the blonde ordered. "Are you serious?" Layne wondered. He didn't want anyone to see his nuts all black and blue, especially Sean the conceited pervert and Mike the drama queen. "Just do it!" Jer ordered once more. His boyfriend complied, and Jerry checked out his ass the entire time. "Damn, honey," he said, slapping it. Layne swatted his hand away. "Just check out my sack, damn it!"

"I'll go grab the popcorn," Sean said, and Mike followed him into the kitchen.

"Baby, you're so big!" Jerry told his boyfriend. He knew he liked being complimented. "I know I am," Layne replied cockily, waving his dick in Jer's face. "Stop teasing and let me do my job," Jerry grunted.

As he inspected Layne's balls, he could feel himself get hard.

He began to rub his hand up and down Layne's dick. The man moaned in response, lacing his fingers through Jerry's hair. "I love you, babe," he said. "Love you more," the southerner replied, pumping faster. It made him harder than a rock seeing Layne's shaft right in front of his face. His speed increased, and so did Layne's breathing. He was crying while Jerry jerked him off.

"What's wrong?" Jerry asked with concern.

"My junk is bruised and swollen, and your hand keeps hitting my nuts," he whined as tears rolled down his bony face. "Oh. I'll quit touching them then," Jer said and made sure only to touch Layne's dick, not his bruised pair.

"I'm gonna cum!" Layne screamed as his high inched closer. Mike and Sean came back with the popcorn, and Layne shot all over Mike and the popcorn. His seeds missed Sean by barely an inch.

"Eeek!" Mike screamed, taking off his shirt and wiping the cum off of his face with it. "Not the popcorn!" Sean shouted, looking down at the semen covered treat. He threw the bowl onto the ground and the popcorn went flying everywhere. Jerry covered his eyes and Layne protected his cock from the food that hit them.

"How dare you cum on my man!" Sean shouted, kicking Layne in the sack over and over again.

Mike sat with his knees to his chest, crying in a corner, Jerry bawled next to Layne and tried to stop Sean, and Layne screeched and cried as he got kicked in his manly hood repeatedly by the angered drummer.

This day didn't start off on a good note.

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