Beach, Babes & Balls (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Naomi studied the three. Jordan wore green swim trunks with a palm leaves pattern tags matched his eyes, and a plain white wife beater. Declan was shirtless to show off his muscular build and adorned plain red swim trunks. Bennett wore a blue rash guard and plain black swim trunks, his hands in his pockets.

Her gaze switched between Jordan and Declan in confusion. "I get why Declan would be shirtless, but why aren't you shirtless?" She asked Jordan.

He grinned. "Wow, Naomi, you haven't even asked me to dinner yet."

She rolled her eyes. "Forget I asked."

"It's because, my dear Naomi, that if I unleashed all this-" Jordan smirked as he motioned to his body. "-to the ladies, half naked, wet and glistening, running down the beach, the nation's female population would considerably decline."

Declan nodded in agreement. "Yeah, because they'd be clawing out their eyes, keel over and die from revulsion," Declan snorted. Naomi snickered.

"What'd you say you!?" Jordan rounded on him and started spatting insults at him. Declan fired back with just as much force.

Naomi shrugged and groaned half-heartedly, "Well it's too bad I didn't bring a swimsuit, so I guess I can't swi-"

Jordan stopped bickering with Declan for a moment. "Don't worry, we got you covered!" Jordan bent down and pulled out something from his duffle bag. In his outstretched hand was a purple one piece, the upper back exposed and string to tie around the neck to hold it up. The three stared at him.

"Dude," Declan said.

Jordan gave them an innocent look of confusion. "What?"

"No...Just no," Bennett said, shaking his head.

Declan looked at Naomi, and and held up his hands defensively. "We had nothing to do with this, I swear," he testified as she raised an eyebrow.

Jordan pointed at him accusingly. "Don't lie! You picked out the color," he blurted out. "Bennett funded it!"

"Naomi, come on!" Jordan begged her.

"Nope, I refuse to-"

"Naomi, if you don't Bennett won't show off his cool surfboard tricks." Jordan smirked when she stiffened.

"Jordan, you can't force her, and you don't speak for me," Bennett cut in.

"I know, but-"

Declan interrupted, "Where did you even get that-"


"What?" In shock, the 1st and 3rd Musketeers turned to her in unison while Jordan cheered.

"I'll wear the stupid thing, just give me a few minutes to change," she huffed, pressing her lips together.

Bennett and Declan stared at her in disbelief as Jordan gladly handed her the one piece. Their eyes trailed after her when she left to go change in the restroom. A few minutes later, she came back to see Bennett and Declan already finishing setting up a large canapé and table, their bags resting under it. They didn't notice as women and girls around them gawked and tried to catch their attention by strutting passed repeatedly. Jordan however was fully attentive to the attention and was flexing his muscles and putting on a big show. Declan paused to glare at him before he caught sight of Naomi.

Noticing her return, Declan turned to her. "Great, now let's go surfing."

"Where is it?" Jordan yelled, diverting his attention to her.

"Where's what?" Naomi replied innocently.

Jordan stared at her intensely. "Please tell me that you're wearing the swimsuit under your clothes."

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