hold on to your dreams

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Marks POV

It all started with a beautiful day in the park, birds singing, the wind in the trees, the nice view of the little town I live in, the beautiful man with that beautiful smile and laugh-
Wait... no...he's my friend.
I wish we were more than that. I never really knew my sexuality until I met Jack. I kept denying myself that I loved him, more than a friend should. But its been 4 years since that one thought had gone through my head, and it still does.
You love him.
"Hey, Mark, you alright? You dozed off fer a minute there." His Irish accent dipped with concern yanked me from my thoughts. I looked up.
Yeah, yeah! I feel fine, just thinkin'."
'Bout what?"
"Uhh, you, actually. "
Goddamn it! Well. At least I'm not lying to him.
"Oh really, someone's got dirty little secrets. Haha."
"Hehe, yeah..."
I saw a pink tint on his cheeks, which was adorable as HELL. He looked away, looked back at me, opened then closed his mouth, and turned away, more blush spreading on his face.
Damn, why does he have to be so darn cute!
Too bad I'll never get to have someone as caring, cute, energetic, and funny as jack. He is everything to me, I highly doubt he'd ever love some idiot like me... his girlfriend broke up with him awhile ago, so I, being the idiot I am, volunteered to comfort him. How dare that b*tch make jack cry!
Jack said something, but I
was listening to my anxiety filled thoughts.
"Um, could you say that again, I wasn't listening."
Jack all of a sudden went beet red in the face, sweat sliding off his face, he looked cute when he was embarrassed. Hell, he was frickin cute just existing!
His hands started shaking, so I of course took his hands in mine, looked him in the eye and said," its okay, you can tell me anything. We're friends." I gave him my best smile. He blushed even more, if that was possible.
He looked away, I put my hand under his chin, lifting it, making him look me in the eye. I came closer. I blushed at how close I got to him and what I did. Anxiety began taking over. As I was about to sit back, he came forward, until his red lips were holding mine. So nice and warm, I wanted it to last. I
FROZE, I didnt know what to do, I was so shocked! Happy! And mildly confused! But the little surprise kiss didnt last long.
He immediately pulled back.
The warmth of his lips, the soft texture of them, ran away. Jack started crying and whispering apologies. He started to get up and run, but my arm shot up and grabbed him. I then stood up, trying and failing to get him to look at me. I grabbed both his shoulders, turned him toward me, and said, "Stop".
He did and looked up. I softened my expression, pushing away my anxiety and nerves and fear away.
I took a deep breath, slowly.
"I love you, and everything about you. You mean everything to me. Dont think im lying, cause I have been hiding this for a while now. So please..." my voice started to quiver and crack.
"Please don't run. Please don't go..."
A tear escaped my watering eyes, and I pulled Jack into a bear hug. He relaxed a little bit, and hugged me back. We were like that for maybe 5 minutes, then pulled apart. Our faces had tear stains, our eyes red and puffy. Then I kissed him.
The thing I wanted more than anything, was to be with this man. And I have it. And I'm ecstatic. Jack leaned into the kiss, and kissed back. We were disrupted by a group of fangirls, sqeeling and jumping up and down.
We blushed, somehow, and Jack hid his heading my chest. I laughed and waved at the fangirls, as jack shyly looked back and waved, smiling. The girls took photos and were screaming, but I didnt care, I had Jack, and I wanted nothing more.
Heh, and my dumb anxiety said I could never love.

I don't know who drew this, but great art and good for this fanfic!Thanx for reading!

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I don't know who drew this, but great art and good for this fanfic!
Thanx for reading!

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