"Get up! You got school!" A very drunken aunt Melinda yelled into the room I was staying in. I got out of bed and wandered to the bathroom for my daily routine.
Next was to pick my 'fabulous first day outfit', which ended up being a pair of black skinnies, an Iron Maiden shirt and my combat boots. I grabbed my phone and my bag, proceeding to leave without missing my bus. Why must I live with my aunt?? She's literally drunk all the time, she can't cook anything besides microwave dinners which she still manages to burn, and has a horrible taste in music. The bright side is that she leaves the house for long periods of time, so maybe I'll have the place to myself after school?

"Don't screw this up" I thought to myself as I made my way to the bus stop. God, I hope this school is better than the last. Please, please let me have friends!

The bus ride was pretty okay, I suppose. Everyone was loud and there was a lot of bad mouthing going on. I tried tuning them out with my music, but it was no use. There is nothing in this world that would be loud enough to drown out the sound of a bus full of high schoolers.
It took around 15 minutes to get to Bellville High, so that was a major let down. I'll be on the road for at least 30 minutes if u miss the bus and I know for a fact the Melinda won't come and pick me up.

I walked up to the front office to pick up a schedule and all the information I needed. Next stop was to find my locker.
After wandering around the hallways for a good 10 minutes, I finally found my assigned locker.
I threw my bag in my locker and took out my binder and my notebooks, and started to figure out what classes I had and where they were. My first class was English, so I went ahead and headed to class while everyone was still in free period.

There were a few kids already seated in the back of the class when I walked in.
"Ah, a new student. You must be Cole?" The teacher asked when he noticed me walk in.
"Uh, yeah. That's me." I said bashfully. The boys in the back all looked up from their conversation and gave me some strange looks. The gingery blonde looked back at the guy with with extremely curly hair and grinned.
"Look at her shirt, Ray."
"I see it. I'm not blind, Bob..."
I smiled and found a seat in the corner towards the front.
"Hey! Come sit with us!" I different voice offered. I looked back at the group and saw a boy with short black hair motioning for me to come over. I smiled at him and picked up my stuff, moving to the open seat behind Bob and another boy with slightly longer black hair.
"Hi! I'm Frank! Let's be friends!" The boy shouted excitedly. I giggled and shook his hand. I looked at the longer black haired boy and he introduced himself.
"I'm Gerard." He simply said and smiled at me.
"I'm Ray, or princess fro fro. Either work for me."
"And I'm Bob." The last two boys introduced themselves as well.
"Well, it's nice to meet you guys. My name is Cole." I said and smiled again.

Students started to pack in as the bell rang. The teacher stood up and prepared for his lesson to start. Once all the students were in and situated, he closed the door and quieted everyone down.
"Shit, Mikey's late again..." Gerard whisper yelled. I looked back at him and gave a concerned look.
"My brother Mikey. He's probably got into another fight."
"My. Way! If you would please quite flirting with our new student, that would be great.
"I wasn't flirting! And I'm clearly gay!" Gerard retorted. Mr.Meadows continued his lesson. I tried to pay attention, but Bob and Frank kept messing around and laughing about everything.
There was a sudden knock at the door. Mr. Meadows opened the door to let the very tardy student in.
"Glad to see you join us, Mr. Way." Mr. Meadows said as the student came in. He had black hair like Gerard, except the top of his hair was spiked into a cute little Mohawk. He was actually kinda cute with his tight jeans and black boots. To top everything off, he was also wearing an Iron Maiden shirt.
"Where have you been that caused you to miss half of my class?"
"My, uh, locker was jammed...?" The cool hair guy said. I could tell he was lying.
"Fair enough. Get to your seat."

The boy weaved his way towards us, giving me weird looks as he passed.
"Where the hell have you been?!" Gerard whispered to the boy who I assumed now that it's Gerard's brother Mikey.
"I got in another fight with Andy..." Mikey whispered back.
"And who's she?" He asked.
"She's new here. Her name's Cole." Gerard explained. I turned around and grinned.
"Oh, well I'm Mikey. Nice to meet you. Cool shirt, by the way." He said and stuck his hand out for me to shake. I shook his hand and smiled at him before the teacher got on to all of us.
"Quiet in the back, or I'll see all of you to detention!"
We all turned around and shut up for the rest of class.

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