The Adventures of Sir Bear

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"Daddy! Daddy!" Gerard came running down the stairs, his drawing in his hands

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"Daddy! Daddy!" Gerard came running down the stairs, his drawing in his hands. "Daddy look what I made," the boy said with a wide smile plastered on his face as he run the living room in. He stood beside the couch on which his daddy was currently lying. 

Frank started moving in a sitting position, signalling for his boyfriend to sit on his lap. Gerard quickly obeyed and swung both legs to one side while holding both arms around Frank's neck.

"How many times have I told you not to run down the stairs?" Frank looked at his little boy with a stern look, while Gerard looked nervously down at his skirt. "You'll break your neck one day and who will I have to keep me company then?" He planted a kiss on Gerard's temple. 

"Sir Bear will keep you company," Gerard said, revering to his favourite stuffie.

Frank let out a breathy laugh. "I'm sure he will, Princess."

Gerard looked up happily and met Frank's eyes.

"Now, what was it you wanted to show me?"

Gerard's eyes widened in a jolt of joy. He showed his daddy the drawing he had made in the playroom upstairs. 

"That's beautiful, Princess!" Frank admired the drawing his little one had made like it was a true masterpiece.

Gerard had drawn Frank and himself holding hands on one side of the page and his brother Mikey and his husband Ray on the other side; they were holding hands, too. Gerard was wearing a crown in his bright red hair and wearing a purple dress. His feet lacked shoes, like he wanted to protest against wearing them in the crayon drawing.

Frank was really surprised. Even though the drawing had been made with crayons, his tattoos were still clearly visible. Gerard had put a lot of detail in them. But then again, Gerard was a great artist.

Gerard had drawn each hair on Ray's head individually and with extreme care which resulted and the astonishing real look. 

And of course Mikey had been drawn with the haircut he had a year ago, rather than the one he had right now. Gerard had always said he liked it better the way it used to be. Maybe because of the beanie or the darker colour, but Gerard always made sure to ask his brother when he was getting that haircut again. Last Christmas he made his statement clear by giving Mikey a beany that looked almost identical to the one he used to wear.

"Do you really like it, Daddy?" Gerard nibbled on his bottom lip. He wasn't good at hiding how he truly felt. The nervousness could clearly be read from his face. 

"Yes, of course! Shall we hang it on the fridge?"

Gerard's face lit up as he jumped off Frank's lap, ready to run away at any minute. 

"Calm down, Princess," Frank said as he stood up himself. "Take daddy's hand." He held his hand out for his little boy to hold.

"Yes daddy."

Daddy (Frerard Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now