Chapter Seven

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Rick opened his mouth to speak to Karma about her decision when the first shots rung out. He was seconds away from yelling to tell the others to get down on the ground, that those bullets were to close, but they hit again. He reached out grabbing Karma's small arm and tossing her to the ground as the window in the dining room shattered.

The sound alone was horrifying. The loud 'bangs' echoing for eternity after the shooting had stopped. The white marble floor that once shimmered brightly now stained with a deep red. The air was thick and heavy and smelled heavily of rusted iron.

It was the soft groans of pain that brought Rick back to reality. With a quick whirl of his head he looked around at the people spread across the floor. He knew for a fact that they were most likely injured, but didn't know if any of them were fatally injured. It was until he looked down at the girl under him where he found the main source of blood.

Karma laid underneath Rick, her hand covering a small portion of her left side, shaking lightly. Her tan hand drenched in her own slick blood.

"Shit." Rick breathed out, his eyes widening as he rolled off of her quietly not minding he was laying in her blood.

"Michonne? Carl?" He asked worriedly looking around quickly for the African woman and his son.

"Mich-" Rick tried again getting cut off my Michonne's fearful voice. "Rick?" She whimpered out. Rick's blood ran cold as he heard the fear and uneasiness in Michonne's voice.


"Did you hear that?" Edin questioned confused.

"Hear what?" Gabriel answered as he held Judith in his arms letting her babble.

"That." She said as the rattling became louder. Gabriel frowned turning to look up at Alexandria's gates. The iron railings bouncing back and forth.

"Take Judith." He mumbled passing her off to the young teenager going to pick up the small shovel up off the ground.

"Open the gate!" Edin froze in her tracks recognizing the distraught voice.

"Morgan?" She whispered to herself confused.

A/N: I wrote and rewrote this chapter multiple times because I just wasn't happy with it. I'm still not happy with it. I feel like I could produce something better, so I probably will 😂. I currently have a writers block so I'm hoping tomorrow I'll actually be able to sit down and write a non-shitty chapter. Also, thank you to all of you that voted, read, and commented on this story! It does mean a lot!!! So, with that being said, I'll probably delete this chapter later when I have something better. ~ Aaliyah

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