1 | Bubblegum Ice Cream

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x Karella Carlo x

You know sometimes you get that awesome rush throughout your body when you're excited and absolutely ecstatic. That feeling when everything seems perfect and can't get any better.

I felt like that once... just before my life permanently shattered into millions of pieces.


"Mummy, can we go to the ice cream shop?" I asked my mother with wide eyes presenting the excitement and innocence in my youth.

"You just ate some sweets, your teeth are going to rot." she replied, her motherly nature now speaking for her.

"Pleaseeeee!" I pleaded, only thinking about the deliciousness that I acted like my life depended on.

"Okay, fine! But only because you're being a good girl and you said please. After all you only live once." she said, chuckling lightly at the end.

"Thank you mummy!" I leaped onto her and hugged with all the strength I had, which wasn't much considering I was only 7.

"You're welcome bubblegum." my mother smiled, my mum had the most beautiful smile ever...

Her many dimples surrounded her lips giving them a more welcoming touch. Her lips were naturally a vivid pink colour that stood out from a crowd. Her teeth were all straight and almost white too. It was just a sight of plain beauty.

"Mum, can I get bubblegum ice cream?" I asked licking my thin lips, from picturing my favourite food in my head.

"Yep, of course." she said presenting her dimples once again as she held my hand.



She lifted me with ease and carried me to her car and put me in the back, on my booster seat. We drove only for a short while. We were chatting to each other cheerfully before happiness left my soul momentarily.

I was peering out of the window looking at the scenery before my eyes - when I noticed a screaming woman, who had tears streaming down her face and was struggling helplessly, being dragged behind an old building by a dodgy looking man.

"Mummy?" I said with a frown appearing on my face.

"Yes love?" she replied, as we stopped moving due to traffic.

"I saw a man take a lady behind that building. What is he going to do to her?"

At that moment I saw her fingers freeze in mid air, because she was tapping them lightly on the steering wheel.

"Which building?" she said looking around desperately.

"The old one next to the green bench." I replied naively.

"Okay, I'll be back Karella. Just wait here." she spoke while unbuckling her seat belt.

"Where are you going?" I asked as she slams her car door shut and opens mine.

"I'll be back in a minute. Just wait here, okay?"

"Okay. But mum," I said stopping her from leaving just yet. "Can we still get bubblegum ice cream?" I ask now showing my dimples.

"Of course we can, I promised didn't I?" she said as she kissed my head and left.

She started walking in the direction of the people and pulls her phone out and to her ear.

All of a sudden my instinct tells me something good isn't going to happen.

Seconds later I hear sirens roaring around me as plenty of police cars enter the area.

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