Chapter 6

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Kevin's P.O.V

"He's awake."

I woke up to the sound of someone talking. Wait, who was that? I opened my eyes and squinted to get used to the lighting. When everything came into view, I saw my leg in a lifter and a look alike Avi, but in female form. She had black glasses with light brown eyes and brown hair that stopped around her shoulders. She had a name tag that read "Esther". She started walking towards a bed next to me. Why is there another bed?

"Hey, what's your name honey?" Esther asked the person next to me, who I couldn't see clearly because she was blocking my view.

Realization hit me.

"Mitch!" I yelled the answer for him.

Esther jumped from my sudden out burst and Mitch groaned in, what sounded like, pain.

"Shush!" Esther whispered yelled.

I covered my mouth.

"Sorry." I whispered.

I was too loud for Mitch, that I must of gave him a headache.

"It's fine, just got to keep it down. He's pretty tired and is now waking up." Esther whispered back.

"K-kev." Mitch barely got out.

Esther moved out the way so Mitch could turn and face me. I would have got up, but my leg was trapped.

"Yeah?" I said in a low voice.

"Are you okay?" Mitch looked at me with a blank face, but you could still see the worry in his eyes.

I nodded my head.

"I'm fine, but you are more important. Are you okay?" I asked sincerely.

"I- ugh, I'm fine." Mitch groaned in mid sentence. This made me wince.

"I'm sorry, I know this is a bad time, but do you guys want to know about your injuries?" Esther kindly interrupted.

Both Mitch and I nodded silently.

"Well, Mitchell you actually survived a lot from what happened. But, you did have a broken rib, and a few broken bones in your leg and nose, but we repaired them, so you should be fine. You will have to take medication to keep the aching from the surgery away for 24 hours. We were surprised to see that you weren't in a coma. From what we've seen, the truck had a huge impact on your vehicle. " Esther informed us on the condition of Mitch.

"And for you Kevin, you didn't get hurt badly. You were just left with a open cut from your knee to your ankle on your leg, but we stitched you up too. " Esther turned to me and smiled.

"Any questions?" Esther finally finished.

"No, but thank you for saving us." Mitch said.

"No problem, it's my job." Esther smiled one more time before walking out.

"Kev, thank you for saving my life back there." Mitch grunted as he tried to face his body towards me.

"Oh it's nothing. I couldn't leave the same man who saved my life, to die alone." I gave him a warm smile.

Mitch returned the smile and nodded.

"Knock, knock! Kevin Olusola and Mitchell Grassi?" Another lady knocked on our door and opened it.

"Yes?" Mitch and I answered at the same time.

"You guys have some visitors, but we have to let them in two at a time." The lady smiled.

"Okay, let them in." I said.

The lady nodded and first came in was Mitch's parents. I could tell they were his parents because they looked exactly like him and Mitch screaming 'Mom, dad!' also gave it away. His parents stayed for a couple minutes, then came Kirstin and Avi. My parents weren't here because they lived in Nigeria. So, Mitch and I chatted with the couple for awhile and they left. I thought we were done with visitors until the same lady came back.

"You have one more visitor." She opened the door wider and let someone in.

There stood the young lady that called for help when we got in the crash.

"Hey, I know you guys barely know me. But, I'm the one who called the police when y'all got hit. I wanted to come check up on you to make sure you guys are okay. By the way, I'm Alyssa."

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