B- where the heck are u?

C- at my home

B- huh? At your house?


B- why did u leave this early?

C- nothing special. Just because I woke up early

B- can't u leave a note when u leave?

C- sorry

B- what a pain

C-and kid.. I won't come to your house for a few days. I will contact u when I come

*chanyeol ya.. What do u need for the cooking? I don't have enough ingredients though*  I hear from his side... Wait... Is that kris voice? No... Obviously not. It is.. It is.... Kai's voice

B- park chanyeol ... Where r u now?

C- house

B- whose house ?

C- kid.. I am quite busy .. Will contact u later .. See you

He then hang up the phone

He's at Kai's house ...

Why? This early? Why did he lie to me?

And he is going to cook for him there?

He even didn't cook anything for me here

What's happening ?


"Baekhyun ?" Taeyeon call me

Ah... That's right... Taeyeon's parents  and mine are meeting up

"Son. Are u feeling well?" My mom ask me

"I am fine . "

"U should take care of yourself more Son. Your wedding is coming soon" taeyeon's Mom say

"Nae . I will "

Coming soon huh?

Time flies fast really

"I prepare the mansion that is closest to your company . Come with me one and check your new mansion " Taeyeon's dad say

"Mansion is too much. We don't really need that kind of big house .. "

"Don't say like that.. U are new generation.. U must carry our names so that is just minor "

'Why is he at Kai's house?'

That's the only thought that is running in my head

I can't stand anymore.. I must go and see him at cafe


At cafe

I bought Chanyeol's favourite lunch set

I have to apologise him back .. I was wrong yesterday ... I shouldn't have said words like disgusting ..

My bad... That's why... His favourite lunch ^_^ I hope he won't angry at me anymore

I go inside the cafe but see no Chanyeol

"Where is park chanyeol?" I ask kris who is at counter

"In the staff room .. U look so urgent"

"No..not really.... "

"By the way.. U are so cute yesterday ... U should have born as a girl u know" kris joke

"Stop teasing me... Kris.. Can I go into staff room?"

"Hmm.. Yeah u can... And baekhyun ya.. Is there something wrong with u and Chanyeol? "

"Not really"

"Is that so? "


"He just look so short tempered from the morning and moreover he is sticking with Kai more .. That's why.. I am curious if u guys fight again "

We didn't  fight really though... We just argued

"So.. I will go inside the staff room " I say

"Ok.. Go ahead"

I then slowly enter their staff room

And I see Chanyeol's back


What got me speechless is that.....

Kai... He is there....

Chanyeol pinned him to the wall


*the lunch set I am holding fell onto the floor*

They are kissing ....

(Chanbaek) This is Love? Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя