Hinatas Return (Revised)

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Nami and Asahi was standing by Gate 5 in the local airport. Hinata had told that she would come home about 2 pm. Both had taken off from school and work. They had been trying not to look directly at each other, in fear of not keeping their promise. but Asahi were the first to break down.

"Hey, Nami?"


"Why are you so upset about this? You're more upset than me, and you're not the one who might have discovered your secret twin."

"Well... you know, I've already seen your 'twin'"

"Really?! When?!"

"A few days ago... it was only brief, but...-"

"Ten-Ten-Tenshi Yo!!!"

their heads snapped towards the sound.


Hinata ran towards them, swinging her obviously new bag, in new french Loli-clothing.

"Looks like you had fun over there, didn't you?"

"Of course!! Oh my God, you should have seen it!!! So many stores with fluffy and frilly clothing!! It was just like HEAVEN!!!!"

"If you say so..." Both Nami and Asahi laughed akwardly.

"Hey, Hinata? Wanna hang out at the park? The outdoor Stage is free today."

"Really?! I'd love to!!! I just hope we can get an audience!"

"Don't you worry! I got that covered!!!" Asahi showed her new phone.

"Oh! New phone?! Looks nice!! Did you change your number as well?"

"Nope! But I just texted this new friend of mine, and she promised to bring as many of her friends as she could. One of them is already there." A new mail buzzed in on her phone.

"Oh! She's apparently sending someone to protect her now..."


"Hey, don't ask me! It's Probably that girl she brought shopping with her. So don't mind it. Lets go, right?"


When they got to the park, the outdoor stage was almost, absolutely abandoned.

"Hey, Asahi, I thought you said that you would take care the audience, didn't you?"

"She must be late." Her eyes then fell on a girl reading on one of the benches. The only people in sight were pointing at her, or more at her uniform, and shook in fear. Hinata was just as afraid as soon as she saw her.

"That uniform...!"

"What about it?" Nami asked confused.

"T-that girl... She is from MajiJyo!!!"

"... So?"

"'So'?! MajiJyo is currently the strongest and most feared Yankee-school in the entire city. The strongest gang, Rapappa are all Students at that school! I even heard that two of their Queens went on a rampage the other night!!!"

"First off... how can we not have heard about them if they are so feared? Second, where did you hear about it? You were in France!!!"

"My dad told me. One of his co-workers warned him about it."

"Oh!" Nami started to rub the back of her neck. "Wait a minute!!! Asahi, didn't you say that friend of yours are from that school?!"

"I did! ...I wonder how I didn't realize before now! I should probably talk to her about it." Asahi then recognized the girl on the bench. "Wait... isn't that..?!"

"Asahi? Do you know her?!"

"I think I do, but I'm not sure... Wanna check her out?"

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!" both Nami and Hinata looked horrified as their friend started to walk towards the possible danger and had no choice but to follow her, maybe as bodyguards, maybe not. As they got to the bench, the girl barely moved. She only flicked a page, which she probably would have, if they were there or not. Asahi gathered her courage and spoke up;

"Umm... Excuse me, but aren't you... Maeda... Atsuko-san? I'm Wakatmatsu Asahi. We met the other day? You were shopping with Torigoya, right?"

The girl raised her head, looked at Asahi with empty eyes. After a while, the girl nodded. The girls started to talk to her, to find out more about her. Actually, more like Asahi talked to her the two others just stared, or looked anywhere else. Until the girl, Maeda, turned to Hinata.

"Shaku?" Then to Nami.


This had both girls stare at her, until Nami managed to break the ice.

"I-I'm sorry, but, you must have mistaken me for somebody else. My name is Kawachi Nami. I'm sorry I'm not the person you're looking for."

"My name is Hinata! Not 'Shaku'!" Hinata half said, half shouted, with a pout on her face.

Maeda then nodded to show her consent, and looked back in her book. Nami realized that her eyes barely moved, only briefly, otherwise staring at the exact same point, as if that point was the entire world to her. Namis phone then buzzed, as someone called her. as soon as she saw who called her face turned grim.

"Shit! Sorry, gotta take this. ... Yes, its me, can't you hear from my voice. If it was a voicemail I would say that, wouldn't I?! Uhh... No, I'm NOT!!! God Woman!!! I'm in the park with the girls. Asahi and Hinata? Riku and Kuu? Yes, they are girls, I told you so many times. What do you mean you're with Asahi?! I'm standing right next to her. Here, Asahi talk to her!"

"Fine!!! Hi Ray-san, it's been a while, hasn't it? Yes, I'm Asahi. The person you are talking to is probably Torigoya. She's a friend of mine. Can I talk to her? Thanks. ... Hi!! Where are you?! EH!? Okay, I understand. So you sent someone ahead. Yes, she's sitting on the bench reading. Okay, I'll see you then!! ... Thanks Ray-san, I'll give you back to Nami now. Bye!!! Here, Take it!"

"Hi again Ray. Yes, I'm fine. Nothing happened in the two minutes you didn't talk to me. Relax, Relax! I will see you whenever you manage to dig me up. No! I'm not buried underground!!! God!! It's just a PHRASE!!! Jeez! Wellseeyalaterwheneverthatishopefullynotsoonseeyabye!!!!!!"


"That was entertaining!!!" Someone said

"Shut up Asahi!!!" Nami Growled.

"Hey!! It wasn't me!!!"

"Then who was it?!"


A boy in all black stood a few meters away from them, but after a while, he walked over to Maeda.

"Are you okay?" She just looked at him. "Atsuko?"

"I'm fine, Gakuran. Thank you."

'Atsuko'?! Is he her boyfriend or something?! Not that I care, but that's just classic. The Yankee-boy and the clever and silent girl. Is this some sort of slice of life drama or something?! Nami growled at the boy, but he just ignored them.

"Torigoya told me where you were. We were all so worried, but when she told me to go ahead, and that you were just reading in the park, we were so releaved!! I was afraid you got cornered by Yabakune or something!! I mean it! It took me an entire mile to get rid of that underling of yours!!! And then this weird lady attacked me, spouting stuff like 'stay away from my Kai!' whoever that is, and..."
The boy just kept talking, while Maeda just sat and and looked at him, nodding or shaking her head. If they hadn't already heard her speak, you would think she was mute.

This made the boys head snap.
"Oh god, here we go again!"
"Atsu-nee, you need to run!!!"
"... Why?"
"Yabakune is after you again!!! And they even have this other Yankee with them, she is rumored to be just as strong as Shibuya!!"
"... No problem. Remember the fight with Shibuya? Not a problem."

"Oh fuck. She found me!"
Ray hugged Nami drom behind, while babbling about twins and annoying people. She then noticed Gakuran.
"It's you! I told you to stay away from my Kai!!!"
"I had absolutely no idea who you were talking about."
"Stupid little boy! Doesn't have any manners!"

"He's actually a girl you know."

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